Friday afternoon the girls (Gramma, Aunt Stephi, and I) and the 2 little boys left to head to Grandad and Madeline's house at the bay and were joined later that evening by the men (Pampa, Uncle Josh and Daddy). It was a wonderfully relaxing weekend - so relaxing Kegan slept in till almost 9:00 Sunday morning - that has NEVER happened. Of course the way I saw it - sure, the one time I have lots of people to help entertain him, he sleeps in...haha...! True to form Kegan LOVED the water - whether it be the salt water (that still seems to have not effect on bothering his eyes or anything) or on the slip-n-slide. If there was water....he was there and in it! The entire weekend was right up his alley - as you will be able to see from the pictures - we were outside 90% of the time - perfect in Kegan's mind! Ty loved all the activity and action going on around him and was wide eyed and checking it all out. He did great, improvised with napping and sleeping arrangements and stayed as happy as could be - easy going! :)...and Ty has some big news you will see in pictures what he is up to now!
Big grins...lots of chins
One of the many times and many things Kegan had to do outside!
Aunt Steph throwing off a great pitch to the waiting batter
Having a conversation with Grandad before sliding down...who knows what that conversation was about....haha
Throwing out bread crumbs for the birds
All the ladies- and Ty and Kegan -going on a ride around the neighborhood and down to the water before the men all arrived.
Saturday morning...nothing like starting the day off while learning how to play "washers"
Finally - at the beach! Jumping right on in!!!
Dumping sand all over Gramma
Toss the child...Kegan loved doing this and Uncle Josh and Daddy wore out LONG before he did! :)
Ty enjoying the beach, in the shade of the golf cart (if you look real close you can see Ty's fluffs of hair being blown in the wind)
Kegan's new favorite way to clean off -in an outside shower
Grabbing a scrub brush
Pampa and his 2 grandsons
Ty found a nice spot to fall asleep
The crew enjoying some watermelon (Kegan enjoys watermelon - but I think it is because he gets to pick out the seeds...or better...spit them out)
Slip and slide....wooo hooo!!!
Ty watching all the festivities
Do you think someone enjoys the slip and slide?!?!
Gramma and Ty enjoying the outdoors
Out door play....Kegan is sitting there watching the men play washers and horse shoes (or as he says "shoe horses"
Some cute pictures of a cute little face
The best of both worlds - water and a bat!
Kegan and Uncle Kyle playing around...
Inspecting a toy
Daddy and Kegan snuggled up sleeping...till almost 9:00!!! Why can Kegan not sleep this late when it is just me and the kids...ohhh....
Are you ready to see my new trick???
Get ready...get set...
SIT!!!! Look who is starting to hold himself sitting for short spurts of time (15-25 seconds)!!!
Hey....Mom was on the trip...haha...
Daddy and Ty
Swinging with Uncle Josh....weeee!!!!
Big grins to daddy!
My 3 boys!
This shot makes me laugh. Matthew was helping Kegan slide down on the float and here it totally looks like Matthew is "bowling" Kegan down the lane...haha..
Water slide videos!
Kegan put Ty's hat on his head (and called it a "cooker's hat")...Ty looks thrilled, huh?
Family time swinging outside
Thank you Lord for my happy children and the fun times we have as a family!
Ty LOVES to swing HIGH! You gently push him and he will just sit there, however, if you REALLY get him going...he grins and laughs and sqeels. Do I see a little one with no fear all ready...hmmm....
Finally, just a funny story to leave you with:
Kegan and Uncle Josh had been running around and playing and wrestling and just go go going. Finally Uncle Josh lays down on the carpet and says, "Kegan I need to take a break. I am all out of gas." Well, Kegan preceeds to pretend to go to a gas pump, bring it over to Josh, put the "nozzle" on him and tells Josh, "I will fill you up with more diesal." Problem solved...haha...if only it were that easy! I thought it was so funny - just wanted to share! :)