Well...it seemed appropriate considering this blog is just a bunch of stuff complied together we have done over the past few weeks.
First off, Dec. 1, Kegan met his special elf. (Look up Elf on the Shelf if you do not know what I am talking about - it is pretty cool). This little elf who appeared on our counter the first of December was sent by Santa Clause to watch Kegan and Ty this month and each night he flies back to Santa to give him a report, then each morning he will fly back to our house, finding a new place to sit and watch the boys (he has been on the mantle, in front of the window, decorative boxes, and even in the refrigerator). Now, according to the book the Elf brought with him Kegan got to pick the name. Conversation between Kegan and I at this point went as follows:
Me: Kegan what do you want to name your elf?
Kegan: Umm...Sally.
Me: (a bit confused...and wanting to double check)Did you say Sally or Silly?
Kegan: (very mater-of-factly) Sally
Me: (still in wonder of this name and were he came up with it) Is Sally a boy or a girl?
Kegan: A boy
Me: Ok then...we have a Sally the boy elf

A few days later I found out where Sally came from.
While Kegan was playing with his Cars stuff he decided to give Sally the elf the Sally the toy car...OH....I got it! That is where Sally came from. Sooo...all things considered, I guess it was either Sally or Mator the elf and Kegan decided Sally was more elf like.

Wednesday, December 2 - We went to see Santa Clause with our playgroup. Kegan loved Santa - walked right up to him, waved at him and began to talk to him - well, good, no fear of big, white beards, and red suits - check.
Group picture

Ok, Ty was doing ok - backed him into Santa's lap so he did not really know whose lap he was on - did not cry through any of the group pictures being taken. However, when Kegan ran to go look at the trains after the group picture and I ran to get him to come back for his and Ty's picture with Santa, Ty started to cry...and this is what we got for the boys Christmas picture - not screaming...but not really super happy, either.

Trying to get a picture of the 2 boys together in front of the tree, in their hats...
We got this...

or this....

Thursday evening it started to really get cold here in Corpus, so Matthew lit a fire - very nice!
Kegan was enjoying staying toasty.

He even helped me decorate the tree that night.
Umm...what good is a tractor ornament if you can't drive it around for a little bit, first?!?

Can you guess where Kegan helped me trim the tree??? (so precious - I loved the time with him and seeing how excited he got about helping me hang the ornaments...even if he did have to double check all the unbreakable ornaments I handed him by pounding them on the ground to make sure they would not break....nice!)

Friday, December 4 - SNOW...it snowed in Corpus Christi...not much, and not for long, but it did snow (mostly sleet...but some real snow, too!!!) Kegan was with his daddy and Ty was sleeping, so I just took some picture real quick...then ran back inside to the warmth!
The only pictures I snapped that showed the snowflakes good enough to see them.

The "accumulation", if you will, on the front flower bed

Tuesday, December 8
Helping mommy unload the dishwasher, by playing some back ground music and giving great grins

It was Uncle Kyle's birthday and he just happened to be in town for work, so we headed over to the Setliff's to celebrate with him! (I did not have my camera out when Kegan was helping Uncle Kyle blow out his candles, but I did get some cute one on Gramms's camera, so maybe I can grab those from her and upload them...2 mischievous people - Kegan and Kyle - together = some very funny pictures)
Loving the balloon!

I love this face!

Entertaining Pampa with the balloon...haha...

Aunt Stephani and Whitley were able to come over also.
She is thinking about something, here.

Ok, Whitley is already tired of my picture taking and Kegan...his eyes look a bit sleepy about it, too...

Wednesday, December 9
Another cold day in Corpus, but that is ok when you are all bundled up and snuggled under some blankets!

Play group Christmas party
Ty and his friend Sadie

Boys will be boys (Kegan is jumping in the back with the red shirt)
Bouncing and jumping around...

...followed by some tackling

Group shot

After the picture, when things started to fall apart...kids moving, slipping, laughing and crying...but for about 10 second they were good...hehe....

Ty and another little friend
First he teases him and offers him the toy

Then (check out Ty's face) he screams because he wants it back

Hmm...didn't realize I was ending on that one...oh well! What a character he is.
Ty did trun 10 months (can you believe) yesterday and I took some 10 months pictures and videos and I will try to upload those, soon...till then some stories.
I am started to learn that my son, Kegan is quite the lady's man. There are a number of momma's at school who have told me their daughter's go home and tell them all about Kegan, a good friend of mine at church has decided Kegan would be a good choice for their daughter to marry, and one little girl at playgroup started crying and said that she wanted to paly with just Kegan (not the other boys, just Kegan) and he said, I am a boy and I am playing with boys, no, I do not want to play with you....well, maybe that line is not quite the lady's man at his best...but still, oh...it makes me laugh. He is a little cutie, though!
I will put all the Ty updates with his 10 month post...because I liked things to stay organized...sorry. :)