Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Parents Most Important Job

I know that as a parent my most important job is train up my child in a way so that when he gets older he will choose Christ, choose to follow Christ, and choose to live a life as a man of God. (2 Chronicles 29:19 "Give my son....the wholehearted desire to obey all your commands, decreees, and pirnciples.") This seems like such a task but I know I can to pray to God with confidence that He will grant Matthew and I the wisdom to lead Kegan on this path.

Although this has always been my prayer for Kegan this weekend it became more real to me - the important job I have as a parent to live my life so Kegan will know choose to live his life following Christ.

*2 Timothy 3:14-15 "But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you. You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood and they have given you the wisdon to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus."

On Sunday afternoon I went out with the youth for a few FAITH team visits. One of our stops was to visit with a brother and sister who had recently prayed for the forgiveness of their sins and come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. All we (the three youth and I) knew was that we were going to talk with them about their choice and about taking the next step of believers baptistm. After we knocked the mom came to the door and invited us in, upon us introducing ourselves and telling her why we had come. The son was not there (he was hanging out with another boy from the youth group, who actually was getting baptized that night), but the daughter was and she also sat down with us. As we sat there and talked the mom just began to pour her heart out to our group, with tears swelling in her eyes, about the huge differance she had seen in her son since he came to know the Lord and had started attending Wednesday night Bible study. She said his entire demenor had changed - his attitude, his friends, how he was doing in school...and she attributed it all to the differance the Lord was making in his life. My eyes began to water as I saw a parent, who was at her ends with her son, and then what a turn around he made when Jesus entered his life. What a testimony to me as a parent to continue to pray for and train up my child in the way he should go so all his days he will follow the Lord, who will make his paths straight.

Then, that night Kegan came to join us for the service because there was a special group singing and Pampa thought Kegan would enjoy the music (which he did - especially the clapping to the music...haha!). Before the group started singing however, there was a time of baptism. Kegan was actaully very attentive and watched the entire thing and would clap with the congregation after each person. Cute to watch yes...BUT more importantly, I as a parent sat there and prayed earnestly that Kegan one day would be able to say, "Yes, I need forgiveness of my sins and Yes I believe Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and rose again so that He is able to save me from my sins and because of that I commit my heart and life to Him." More than anything that will happen in his life, I look forward to the day that Kegan chooses Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Finally, durring the concert the group did some songs for the congregation to sing along with and my son - who has really started getting into trying to sing along with songs he hears, weather we are singing his kiddo songs with motions together or a toy is playing a song - started "singing" along. We were singing the song "Amazing Love" and whereever there were parts of the song that held out longer notes...he would start sining that "sound" with the congregation and would periodically mumble other parts of the song that were repeated a few times. Oh! The preciousness of seeing a child of God sing...on and off key!

Matthew 19:14 "Jesus said, ' Let the childrne come to me. Don't stop them!..."

Now, for some pictures.

On the way home from Plano we stopped and ate at Fazolie's in Waco. Kegan really enjoyed his pizza and pasta!


We got home and quickly had his new table set up.
Crayons, paper...I am ready to go!

Hmm...which one do I choose?

Enjoying makers for the first time!

A little messy but tons of fun!

Sadly we had to attend a funeral for a friend of the Setliff's who had worked on the famr for 31 years. It has been and is hard on the family and our prayers go out to Mary and the rest of Jessie's family.

I knew Kegan would not be able to sit still durring the ceromny...or quite, so Maryann (Mar Mar as he calls her) came over to watch him, and from what I heard, he had quite a fun time!

Saturday Matthew decided it was time to hang his deer. Since it was too big to fit about the fireplace - much to his disappoint metn, we had to find a new home for the deer. I think it looks very nice here - however I am still gettin gused to being stared at by a deer while I cook, eat, relax on the couh, walk around the corner...etc....

Matthew told me that he had the stuff out and was in the mood to ahng things so if there was stuff I watned hung on the walkss I better bring them out. I don't htink he knew what he was offering....but out I carried many things that had been collecting till he was ready to hang them!
Kegan decided he needed to get in on the action and help his daddy out.
Daddy was on a stool...so Kegan went and got his little stool...

put it in place next to Daddy...

climbed up....

and reached as high as he could do to "help"

Kyle and Lindsay had come down for the funeral and remained here till Sunday morning so Sturday night was all got together for dinner.
Matthew decided he needed to go buy a new "summer" cowboy hatice black felt one we baught in January was too hot....sooo of we went.
Kegan found himslef a nice felt hat so he could mathc daddy in the winter. (no we did not buy the hat...he will not keep a hat on longer than 10 seconds...so it is not quite worth the money yet!)
I LOVE this picture...aren't they both so cute!

Just a picte of Kegan in his choo-choo underpants, haning out at the house on Monday.

....so for now...we are taking a more relaxed approach to potty training. We put him in the underpants when we are home and go from there....sometimes being very successful and sometimes...I am left cleaning up the floor...but hey, he is trying and learning, so I can't complain.

Baby update: Tomrrow is the day we go to find out the gender!!!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Matthew and Kegan in the hats! So cute! I can't wait to hear if Baby 2 is a boy or a girl!

Haley said...

I am anxiously awaiting the results of your sonogram.