Ok...as pointed out by some friends and family it has been a while...sorry. We have been VERY busy...between attempts (attempts only) of potty training, my belling growing, and traveling around I just have not had time to sit down at a computer and load pictures.
Learning Through Osmosis?
About the title...my favorite Kegan story from the past 2 weeks. Before leaving to go out of town Kegan got into a habit of wanting to sleep with one of his goodnight board books. When I say sleeping with a book, I don't just mean it laying next to him in bed or near the bed, no no...I mean Kegan is hugging and holding the book, like he does his blankie and puppy, while going to sleep. A little odd...but hey who am I to stop someone loving a book!
Ok, so Kegan started showing SOME interest in potty training, so I went with it. We got the training pants and we spent a couple of days really going good at it...working hard...even got the big boy training pants... (we had lots of time to play and stay at the house since you really can't go anywhere too far while potty training...so Kegan just played around in the training undies all day)
Ok, so Kegan started showing SOME interest in potty training, so I went with it. We got the training pants and we spent a couple of days really going good at it...working hard...even got the big boy training pants... (we had lots of time to play and stay at the house since you really can't go anywhere too far while potty training...so Kegan just played around in the training undies all day)
notice the change of underpants...
but after a few days of me being more interested than him and tons of laundry (even with 10 pairs of taining pants) I have decided we shall wait a little longer to see if he gets more interest in it. Going to the bathroom was still not a priority if he was playing...or coloring...or just walking around in a different part of the house. Plus...I don't think when one is pregnant is the ideal time to potty train...bending down and everything else you have to do...esxhusting...even more so when you have a baby in your tummy. Hopefully though, he will get a great bit of enthusiasm BEFORE this baby comes....
Two Sundays back...oh, maybe three....
Kegan say Mommy get her Bible for church and Daddy get his Bible for church, so before heading out the door, he started saying "Bible...Bible" and went to his room to get his very own Bible to take to church - which he held the entire time on the trip to church. Of course, when we got to church and his he wanted to go in and play and left the Bible to Matthew and I...but still.... First, so cute. Second, what a great lesson and reminder that our kids see what we do and mimick us...what do we want them mimicking.

Thursday - MDO
Woo-hooo....Kegan had NO tears going to Mother's Day Out. He walked into the school holding his lunch and backpack, putting them up where they belong and then...with out even giving me a kiss or hug good-bye...went to his class door, opened it up, walked in and say "HIIII" to all his teachers. I am guessing he is now fully comfortable going. Oh...already independent...bitter-sweet.
The Setliff's returned from Germany (late Sunday night) and brought back Kegan one of the COOLEST toys I have ever seen. Check it out. It looks and sounds like a real chain saw - extra (rubber) chain included, has a safety guard, just works exactly like a real one. Kegan really liked it....so did Matthew...haha!
Trip to Plano:
Headed up to Plano. Kegan did pretty good on the trip up - thank goodness taking a pretty good nap. Much to my joy we got to go to Freebirds that night for dinner. Kegan seemed to enjoy it all - he really liked to tortillas...yumm!

He even got to see Karsyn that night. Both kids were SO thrilled to see each other. (He had been talking about seeing her the entire trip down after I talked about it that morning before we left.) They both literally screamed each other's names when they saw each other and gave the sweetest hugs. Needless to say, they did not forget one another.
That night he even got to play in Grandpa's boat.
That night he even got to play in Grandpa's boat.
I suppose that is a spectator sport.
Silly face, I know. Kegan is singing his "oooo" to the song "Don't worry be Happy" being sung by the singing fish in the garage.
So much excitement...and all in one day.
Since the men have been fishing we have got to spend lots of great time with Karsyn and aunt Wendy - the kids really are very fun to have together...keeping each other and us laughing!!! Kegan even got to join Karsyn at daycare on Friday while Mom, Wendy, and I had a girls day to Canton. When we got there they seemed like that had a fun day together and were sad when they got in separate cars. Not to fear, we we were going to the same place and seriously, the way they acted when they saw each other you would have thought they had not seen each other in weeks...not minutes!
Some pictures from hanging out with Karsyn.
Borrowing a night shirt from Karsyn after bathing over at her house late one eveing.
Climbing in the boxes we got at Canton. Silly kids!
Playing with a new favorite toy Grams had at her house...a hammer and pegs to hit with the hammer...and not one is telling him no...oh what fun!
With the guys still on the river and not heading home till later in the day, Grams, Aunt Wendy, Karsyn, Kegan and I headed off to the Dallas Arboretum for some pumpkin patch fun...and more! They had a BLAST...but boy were us three adults TIRED...haha!
A visit to the pumpkin patch...
Kegan's favorite thing to do at the pumpkin patch...climb!
You try and take a picture of two very active 2 year olds...haha...
Another favorite - the pumpkin house
Notice where his feet are standing...not just on the pumpkin, but as high as he can get on the stem of the pumpkin!
Grams and her helpers...
Let me help by taking this off your load Grams...(Doesn't that look like a helpful face?)
Checking out some fish in the pond.
Kegan spotted this lions and said "ball...ball"...we had no clue what he was talking about till he started to stick his hand in the lions mouth and we heard something roll around. The lion had a ball in his mouth, that was basically stuck in there (it was part of the statue). I tell you, the child LOVES balls...no matter where he sees them.
Kegan thinking he needs to dive further into the water than mommy thinnks...
Group picture infront of the waterfalls...you don't know how many pictures it took till we got one where we were all 4 looking at the camera...
Taking the time to stop and smell the roses.
Peek-a-boo...playing with the shutters in a little thatch roof kids house.
Enjoying the floating pumpkin fountain.
Kegan was not done with the pumpkin fun when we got in the car, so he decided to play with Karsyn's pumpkin sock cap...
First things first...how to put it on??? Hmm...something about this does not feel right...
How is this?
All right...looking good!
The men finally made it home and Kegan was so happy to see his daddy and grandp and Uncle No No!...To finally not be the only man, again, too!
Playing with Karsyn after church. Once again...trying to get these two to sit still for a picture...haha...
try try as fast as you can...you can't take a picture of me, I Kegan...
While Wendy and Nolan went to a Hocky game and Matthew and I went out to eat and visit with some of my friends Grams and Grannpa had grandchild duty...all parties involved were happy for those arrangements.
Enjoying a little snack at Kegan's new table Mommy got him.
Everyone playing happily in Grams's office/kid play room.
Baby Updates:
Not too much new, just lots of movement - I love it!
Only a 1 1/2 weeks till we get to see the baby on the way in another sonagram and hopefully find out the gender!
In the meen time, a pictre of Wendy, me, and my bump...hehe...see the baby bump poking out! :)
We had such a good time seeing you guys - Karsyn woke up this morning asking for Kegan. I love how much they love eachother - it is so sweet. I can't wait to see you all in November - and finding out what gender that baby is! Karsyn has so much advice on bows and bracelets she wants to share if its a girl! (or a boy - but I don't think Matthew would approve - ha ha!)
It was a wonderful weekend and I enjoyed your visit so much!
Kegan can always brighten a room with his smile!
Kegan and Karsyn together are the best of time!
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