I will start with pictures and end with some tails of the two weeks and other facts on his growing up!
Last Monday (Sept. 8) Kegan and I hung out at the aquarium for a while with some other mommies and kids.
Surprised look on his face...I don't know why though...perhaps a big fish swam up to the glass.
Ahhhhh....thanks goodness we were really the only ones there. Hmm...little boys can get a bit loud at times!
Check out the sequence of these next few shots. It was so funny...it literally seemed like this big fish was staring Kegan down...and Kegan was not sure what to do about it.
Oh...that fish is still looking at me...
Due to the forecasting of Ike Matthew was working like crazy to get the rest of his cotton in...so Kegan and I took a trip out to see him on Tuesday.
A little time for some tractor facts.
John Deere is coming out with (still not for sell) some new cotton pickers that pick the cotton and bail it...all in one machine...basically it is cutting out a few middle men who move the cotton from the picker to a module builder where a guy uses a machine to makes these...
This is what comes out of the back of the new pickers...wrapped up like a gift and ready to go.
It is crazy to think that in all reality, by the time Kegan is our age these new pickers/cotton bailers will be the norm and module builders will be a thing of the past...how quickly technology changes...and for all my city friends...yes, even on the farm it changes fast! :)
Thursday Matthew finished up some stuff at the fields. By the time Thursday evening and Friday rolled around Corpus new it was definitely out of the path of Ike...but since Matthew had finished everything we got to spend some extra time with daddy Friday and over the weekend.
Daddy was left in charge of watching Kegan for a moment...and well this is the results
(Kegan had found a bottle of my lotion and decided he needed some...well lots. He was covered in it....)
Matthew trying to see if his beautiful dear mount will fit above the fireplace. I had told him I did not think it would...way to tall antlers...well as you can see...it will not fit, unless we want to cut a hole in our ceiling...which is not happening. We are trying to decide/agree on another wall to mount it on. It is a nice one, though!
Hanging out in his boxer shorts just like daddy.
Playing baseball at Grandma's and Pampa's (Kegan's decided name for Mr. Setliff...he never added the "gr" to it...so we just went with it). The child is obsessed with baseball...pretty much any game actually that involves a ball, throwing, catching, hitting, etc... The crazy thing about this little t-ball set. We did not have to show him how to do it at all the first time Mrs. Setliff got it out (a few days before this). He put the ball on the t...I don't know how he knew to do that...and hit it. Instinct I suppose...
Hit the ball...
Pampa working on form with Kegan...doesn't he look ready to just take a crack it at!
Good hit...
Ruuuun and get on base!
Short clips of Kegan hitting the ball at Grandma and Pampa'a house on another day.
Saturday we went to a party for a family member. Kegan REALLY wanted to dive on into the cake early!
Taking after daddy. Kegan kept asking and asking to put on his hat, too...although it did not stay on...still he looks cute!
Kegan and I went out for a walk around the neighborhood Tuesday evening (when it was actually cool in Corpus...crazy!)...and Kegan found the neighbors cat to pet for a while...thank goodness the neighbors patient cat!
...sooo I was not great at the pictures these past two weeks...I am telling you it is baby brain!
Kegan updates:
1. Bathroom: My car has been in the shop, and Matthew's, so we were down to one vehicle - Mr. Setliff let us barrow his for the week. Anyways, since Matthew needed the car more than us Kegan and I spent a lot of time at home so we kind-of tackled the potty thing...not super attack of it, but just to get him in the thought of potty. He is doing really well with it (we worked on it M, W, F, and some today...Tuesday and Thursday he had off so we just worked on it in the evenings). He is starting to tell me "potty" as long as he is not in the middle of playing something he really likes, but it is still mainly me suggesting it. But...he loves to get the m&m or cookies if he puts his business in the potty and stays dry so he is pretty motivated to go and tries real hard to get something out. My favorite is the dances and cheers when he does! It is something I am sure we will be working on for a while...but we are taking steps in the right direction.
2. Bedtime: Ok, so since my last post about getting into the new toddler bed...when I said things were going great...never say that...haha. He still goes to bed and takes naps great...but since then I think I have had to go scoop him off the floor, in the middle of the night, at least 3 or 4 nights...not bad, but I still think it is because I was saying all was going so great...haha!
3. Still enjoys counting. If you ask how many he will count...usually only up to 2 or 3 on his own, but with help can get to ten.
4. Continually increasing vocab. My new favorite (because he says them so cute): "raisins" (usually leaving out the "s" sound); "elephant"; "sammy"..."saaamy" (name of one of the local baseball teams mascots).
5. I went to pick him up on Tuesday from MDO and one of his teachers peeked her head out the door and said, "I just wanted to tell you that your son has the best personality I have seen in a kid. We all just love it when we sing and afterwards he claps and cheers. He is so fun." Wow! Could a mom be more proud than at a moment like that!!
6. We have been talking to him about there being a baby in my belly, so he now will lift up my shirt, say "baby" and kiss my belly...oh...my heart just melts!!!
Speaking of.. here are some baby updates:
I went to the doctor on Monday (9/15/08) for some blood work and a regular check-up. I did get to hear the babies heart beat, but let me tell you, this baby does NOT like the heart rate monitor. Every time the nurse would find the heartbeat, the baby would stay still for a second and then kick away and move. After a few rounds of this she told me, "The heart beat is 145...I think...as good as I could get with the baby moving so frequently." Sounds like we have another active one on the way....
I go in on October 15 for my next sonogram where we will be able to find out the baby's gender. (Matthew and I are still in discussion about this - I want to, he does not.)
In the mean time Grams and Aunt Wendy sent down some gifts for baby Setliff to be (as well as some goodies for Kegan, Matthew, and I - thanks!!!!)
A gender neutral gift from Grams...so sweet!!!
Aunt Wendy got tired of looking for something gender neutral so she decided to get the baby what she liked...and hopes the baby can wear....so pretty! Haha...perhaps a bit frilly if it is a boy though...haha (we have the receipt...no fear...I will not dress a boy up in this...)
I will be putting up a poll to see what you people think....boy or girl, so weigh in your votes and let's see. I already have heard strong opinions for either or from people.
If you are on of those people who looks at old wives tails...here are some things for you.
- I crave meat, cheese, bread, and pasta (with Kegan it was fruit)
- I have gained weight about the same way I did with Kegan - pace and size
- heart beat about 145
....hmmm are there any other things wives tails look at???
We shall see...in less than a month!!!!
Aww! We miss you guys! Kegan is getting SOOOO big!!
What a wonderful two weeks!!! I can't wait to see what you guys will be having! I think it will be a girl though. Keegan needs a little sister to protect! Love you guys and miss you!!! Holly
I'm guessing a girl too! Keep us posted!
Just seeing his pictures make me miss my Kegan so much, but watching the videos tears at my heart! I am so anxious to see ALL of you!!
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