Walking towards the door...Isn't he so handsome!
How many more mom...my mouth hurts from smiling!
One last picture with the back-pack on...
We got there, walked into the building - to the sound of lots of crying kids. Phew, I thought, at least we will not be the only one. We got to his room...still going strong - no tears or clinging, I had Kegan knock on his door, he then just decided to open it...ok...looking a little timid now. He looked up at me, grabbed my hand and said, "Come mommy!". I guess he was thinking it was like the meet the teacher day. One of his teachers said I could come in and get him seated at the table where, THANK GOODNESS...they were singing a song about things that move, or have wheels, something along those lines because all the kids had a plastic toy truck in front of them to push around and play with...HOW PERFECT is that! I saw Kegan down, he began to get a bit frightened, but I quickly handed him a truck - interest grabbed and diverted - gave a quick kiss and good-bye and I was out of there. A minute or two later while I was putting his diapers and nap mat by the door another teacher from the school looked in the room and said they were all sitting happily at the table -yea for day one drop-off.
Fast forward a few hours: pick up time. I got to the building and as parents were picking up their kids and the doors were being opened...oh you could hear the cries, again. I got to Kegan's door, where one of the teacher's was outside, she recognized me as Kegan's mom and said he had a GREAT day and much to my joy when I looked into the room before knocking to go get him...he was as happy as a lark, and then came running to me with a big smile when I opened the door! It was so cute. Then when I asked him about school while we were walking out, he started saying something...I could not understand it all, but he was happy while telling me about it!
With such a great first day, and the fact I knew he needed to eat before we headed home and he fell asleep we went to a McDonald's nearby.
A little time to play after eating.
This is the highest up he has ever climbed on his own...I guess one day of school and he felt more independent already.
Wee...coming down the slide!
Taking a ride on a fish in the ground.
Wednesday we got up, met Aunt Stephani and headed over to the store at Alice to visit with and have lunch with Grandma. We got there a little early so Kegan would 1. Be in a good mood to see everyone and 2. Have time to play a little before lunch.
What a face..."Mom, really...do you always have to take pictures?"
These things look familiar...I know I can work this thing
"Watching where I am going as I back up." (Ok...so he is really not going anywhere...but he would sure like to think he was!)
Hehe...so much fun!
Grandma and Kegan taking a quick cruise around the lot on a gator!
Do you think he wants the hat on his head
OH, what fun to drive!
Being a passenger isn't' to bad, either!
Hmm...we were a bit tired from staying up to see Gov. Palin speak...so Thursday morning...breakfast was in the car on the way to MDO.
Day 2 drop off: Not so happy...he cried and clung to me, but his teachers were so good. One of his teachers took him to hold while I said good-bye and left. According to his daily sheet, by 9:20 (he gets dropped off at 9) he has stopped crying and was happy and great the rest of the day!
Pick up: I got there and again, no tears for Kegan. He was happy and came running to me with a BIG grin!
It seems we are on the right track and pretty soon I know he will be ready to just leave me at the door and go have fun. It will be fun to see him grow, learn, and change through the course of this year in MDO.
On top of school starting. Kegan and I have been watching our neighbors son after school for about an hour. The after school program starts this upcoming week, but I think Kegan is going to miss seeing Alex in the afternoon. He had the best time playing with him and Alex is so good and patient with Kegan.
Just a quick shot I got of them on Friday. They were usually not still long enough to capture a picture...haha...another reason Kegan was having fun - someone who kept up with him better than I do!
Way to go Kegan! You are such a big boy! I am so proud of you!! I hope the rest of your school days are even better than the first two - I know you are going to have a lot of fun!
Love the first day of "school" pictures. He is growing up so fast! I know he is going to be the teacher's favorite and the class clown!
I'm so glad the first few days of "school" went well! So cute!
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