But...real quick before I get on with part 2 of our travels.
1. I wanted to brag on Kegan's daddy for a moment. He sent these beautiful flowers to me while I was up in Plano...aren't they so pretty. I have a great husband.
2. I took this pictures at Wendy and Nolans house of their dog. If you have not seen this picture on her blog...it is crazy. Their dog climbs up and jumps down from this tree. It is crazy to see how Hana does it. I just found it fascinating...look how high that is....
Back to our travels!
Monday June 30, 2008
Welcome to Plano. What a great greeting, huh?
After getting home and unpacking the car, Grams, Kegan and I headed over to Aunt Wendy and Uncle Nolan's house (Grandpa joined a little later) to see them, Karsyn, and their new house we had not seen, yet. Kegan loved the back yard...and all Karsyn's toys our there!
I love that they are both doing the same thing with their arms. I am not sure what it has to do with the basketball, but it is cute.
Haha...I love this picture. One, Karsyn looks very pretty in it. Two - the story behind this picture - Karsyn was great playing with Kegan, she was not quite ready to share all her outdoor toys yet. She decided Kegan did not need to sit in this chair of hers, so she carried this chair around the backyard, behind her, for part of the evening...from the gate at the pool, across the driveway, to the swing set, and back again. Well, at least she knew how to solve the problem of someone sitting in her chair...haha.
Swinging with Grandpa...
Swing switch-up. As long as Grandpa pushed both of them they were ok in either swing. Grandpa just had to push both.
Getting clean and enjoying the bubbles after playing. He is saying "bubboos" aka "bubbles" here.
Tuesday July 1, 2008.
After a good nights rest...that did not include getting up too early...haha...Kegan and I headed down to play at a park near my parent's house. Kegan loved this park. Things to climb on, through, and slides to go down. Here are just a few pictures of our fun morning.
I love this grin. Does someone love the camera, or what!?!
Back at Grams and Grandpa's house, jamming on a guitar. It took him a bit to get a hang on this, but he ended up getting it.
Snacking in a chair just his size. (This had been a chair I used to play in at my Meme's house.)
That afternoon my two friends Goo and Courtney came over to watch Kegan while my parents and I went to a funeral for a mom of a young lady I had cheered with. I am so thankful to have good friends who are still there for me when I was in need.
Later that afternoon my dad took Kegan over to Karsyn's house for a swim (my mom and him were watching Kegan while I went and got a haircut and a pedicure - what a nice thing to relax for a moment) Anyways, Kegan loved the pool...and they learned how much he loved the water. I do not have any pictures from that night, but Wendy showed me one in which Kegan decided he needed to get Karsyn's riding tractor and put it in the water...sure, a tractor can go anywhere, right!?! Anyways, Kegan and Karsyn both got to "ride" the tractor in the water.
Wendy, Nolan and Karsyn came over that evening, after all the swimming, for a yummy dinner Grams had cooked. Kegan and Karsyn enjoyed getting in more play time.
This picture made me laugh - Karsyn walked all around outside holding her mom's phone to her ear and just talking away. Kegan, on the other hand was running around everywhere. Here he is taking a brake seeing how close his mom will let him get to the road behind him - that was his limit right there...so he plopped down.
Deciding we all need to lay down like Grandpa in the grass...well, try to lay down like Grandpa.
Wednesday July 2, 2008
Playing with Grandpa's fish beads, after breakfast. It matched his shirt and shorts...haha...what a look.
Kegan had enjoyed the park so much the day before that we headed there again.
This time we wore...for a short period of time...a new hat Grams got him.
Proof he is growing up and getting more daring. We had been going up and down the steps, then he decided he needed to try this contraption. I did not need to show him, no first try....he got it first try up. I suppose it is the same concept as stairs...just a little variation....I was proud of him though, getting it all on his own, with no help from me.
After a much needed nap (the park and all that climbing wore him out), we headed over to the Herman's house to swim with Courtney, Goo, and Mrs. Herman. The spiky hair Courtney and Goo gave Kegan.
Floating around...I thought this was a thoughtful look - actually I think he was trying to get out of the float. Kegan is not much into these floats anymore...he wants IN the water...to kick and move...no resting in the pool when Kegan is around.
I guess he likes to sit on things...just not in things. He found this big duck, around the pool, and wanted on....haha...silly boy!
A little time to relax and dry off before eating some yummy pizza (a Kegan favorite) that Randy brought over.
Thursday July 3, 2008.
My mom, Mrs. Herman, Courtney, and I headed off for a day of shopping at Canton while my dad watched Kegan ALL day! I don't know all the day's details...and since he is as good as Matthew about taking pictures (he took one...with Kegan's eyes shut...haha)...I have no pictures. I do have this picture from that night while we were headed to Freebirds (Kegan got to experience one of his mom's favorite fast food places...favorite fast Mexican food place..so yummy!)...anyways, the picture shows the shoes Grandpa and Kegan got that day. Dad decided Kegan did not have any shoes that fit right (the sandals were on their last strap for fitting...) so he decided Kegan needed some new shoes. Off and he Kegan trekked to Academy for, from what I heard, quite the adventure! Grandpa discovered just how fast Kegan is...haha! (ps - he took a few bites of my burito and seemed to like, I just did not get out the camera in time.)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July! What a better way to start the day than with a fresh chocolate-chip cookie Grams made...while Mommy was still sleeping...haha. A little messy, but very yummy!
Wendy and Karsyn came over early that morning for the start of the 4th of July parade. Luckily it goes down the road that runs down the street from my parents. All we had to do was walk a few blocks. The kids seemed to really enjoy themselves and all the people, floats and music! (side note - I took a little over 40 pictures, alone, at the parade...and these and really on a few others are about the only pictures I got where faces were looking at the camera or flags were not being waved in front of the face)
Kegan trying to start the wave at the parade.
Such a pretty, little, patriotic girl.
A handsome patriotic, little, boy!
By the end of the parade Kegan was out of the stroller and in Granpa's arms.
After the parade Karsyn and Kegan did what they do best together - they played....after Karsyn decided they both needed to have on bibs...haha.
Again, taking turns....
Karsyn pulling Kegan.
Kegan pulling Karsyn.
That night we all headed over to Wendy and Nolan's house for a 4th of July get together I was having for some of my friends up in the Dallas area. (Thank you Wendy and Nolan for opening your house to us all.)
Ok - so they are not the most manly things to be wearing, but they did solve the problem of Kegan not wanting in a float, but wanting in the water, not really wanting to be held and restricted too much, and the fact that he will walk right on in - no fear...ahhhh!
Enjoying the use of Karsyn's ruffly, pink floaties...hehehe...
It was hot...Kegan found a good way to cool off when he wasn't swimming.
Strong man!
Riding Karsyn's tractor. You can't take the farm out of the boy...
Some of the group at the party....even the dog made the shot....haha
(Kegan is in the lower left hand side with Courtney and Randy. I am with Karsyn in the middle right.)
Randy was throwing Kegan up and would catch him as he landed back in the water - Kegan loved it! Unfortunently I do not have an action shot of Kegan up in there air...but here is one that shows the joy on Kegan's face as he decends down...weeee!
Another group shot.
Kegan chilling with Uncle Nolan on the float.
Saturday we went and had the kids pictures taken. The pictures turned out great (my new blog header is just one of them) but man, it is getting to be a challenge to get 2 VERY active 1 1/2/almost 2 year olds to sit there, or at least stand there for a phote...especailly together! Needless to say - they kept Wendy and I up and moving. After lunch we went to run some arrends with the kids - they did pretty good. That night everyone got together again for a good dinner and sone fun family time.
Hmm...I can't remember if it was this dinner or one of the other times that we ate together, but I will go ahead and tell this adorable story. We sat the kids at the corner together, so when we prayed one hand they each had to hold was eachothers.I was so proud of how well they did. They both reached out for eachother and then held hands the entire prayer....kind-of looking down...wih their eyes kind of closed - they were keeping an eye on each other (and I know this because I was kind-of keeping an eye on them!). Then when it was done, they said their "amen" and let go. Soo sweet!
Sunday, July 6, 2008.
Church in the morning, where Kegan was a bit nervouse about a new nursery...but I did not get called back because he was crying too much...I just think it took him a while to get used to a new place and new people. After church we went to lunch with Courtney and Randy where Kegan ate 1/3 of my raveoli and meat balls and some of Randy's lasagna. With all that in his belly he had a great Sunday afternoon nap! Grams took over that afternoon while my dad and I went out to run some arrends. Wendy dropped off Karsyn a little later and they got to play some.
That night we met a group of some of my parents church friends for a weekly dinner they have with them. Before leaving Kegan tried out my braclet. Hmm...I don't think a lip ring will work...thank goodness!
Sitting with Courtney and Randy at Coutnry Burger...this was a breif brake of sitting while Karsyn and him were playing all around the end of the restraunt the group was eating at. Again...they kept Wendy and I hopping!
Sharing a little time with the men.
After burgers and play it is bath time again.
Woah bubbles!
Ok - so I think he just got some bubbles in his mouth, but the picture still makes me luagh. It looks like he is sticking his tounge out at her while she is not looking.
Monday July 7, 2008
Saying good-bye to Grams at the airport.
Plane notes: Kegan did WONDERFUL on the plane...much to my relief. Seriously I had been very worried. We have not flown since he has been mobile. Anyways, he was great - no fussing, crying, anything. He stayed entertained looking out the window, looking at books, snacking and holding his blankie and puppy. He even laughed when we went through some turbulance...haha!
I only had to pull out the DVD one, for just a bit on the short skip between Houston and Corpus - he wasn't fussing, just ready to move and this kept him sitting still. Then, the CUTEST thing when we got off the plane. Once he was in Matthew's arms, he put his hands around his neck, laid his head on his sholder and did not move for the longest time. He was so happy to be home with his daddy!
It has been almost a week and a half, so I am sure I left out some details and funny stories, but this is a basic view of how Kegan stayed busy in Plano. We look forward to our next trip up there!
(Ok - so I am way behind, hopefully by the end of this week I will have the pictures up from this week and last...we have continually stayed busy....so many cute photoes and stories! He keeps me hopping!)
We had a blast with you Kegan - come back soon! We miss you!
You look like such a big boy in that picture with Grams - and I just saw you! Crazy!
Love - Aunt Wendy
so much fun to relive the week you were here. I miss you both so much!
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