Baseball: Kegan has gone to 3 baseball games in the past 2 weeks.
Boots: Kegan sees his daddy, grandpa, and uncle Josh in boots all the time, so now he thinks he needs to wear his boots...all the time. Seriously, every morning it is "Boots!?! Boots!?!" So far I have been able to convince him to wear his sandals or tennis shoes out, but after he wakes up from his naps and we are hanging out around the house, boots are the shoes of choice.
Cheese: The child LOVES the camera, which he now refers to as "cheese". If he sees my camera, he points to it, says "cheese" and then smiles expecting a picture. If he sees me take it out while he is doing something, he will many times either start really hamming it up, or come over and try to look at the camera.
Doing a Rocky impersonation after bath time. Perhaps, not quite as intimidating...but he does look cute in the robe!
Here we go...He saw mommy's camera on the desk and started smiling and saying "Cheese!" of course I had to take a picture!
Friday, July 11 (baseball game #1)
Trying to find just the right shoes for the outfit.
Luckily I got him to choose his tennis shoes instead!
That night Mrs. Setliff, Kegan and I headed off to a Hooks baseball game. Kegan was amazing during the game. Usually, he is good, just active, but this night he sat still as a log in my lap all night...just moving a couple times to switch to Grandma's lap so my legs could move a little. The elderly lady behind us complimented him - I did not have the heart to say that this was not typical, so I just smiled and took the compliment for my son!
Mommy and Kegan taking some time out to enjoy a hug!
The best thing about Friday night games - the fireworks after the game! this a scared face, or an excited one?
Well, that was about all of Kegan looking at the fireworks, he put his had on my shoulder, with my hands covering his ears for the rest of the show...till he went to grandma's lap and did the same thing. From her shoulder he could still see the fireworks though. Funny thing about this story though...and I think so typical of a guy - as soon as the fireworks ended, Kegan looked up, smiled, clapped his hands, and started saying "boom...boom!", like he hadn't been scared of anything and was retelling us the greatness of what he witnessed and braved through. What a nut. He will still say "boom...boom" if you ask him about a firecracker...haha!
Saturday July 12 - A birthday party and Baseball game #2
Before we get to all that a few more examples of some "cheese!"...a little snack of some potent cherries!
A little playtime on the has out the camera "Cheese!"
Hamming it up, while trying to climb up a new part of the slide
A side note about the Elmo shirt - First, in case you haven't read, Kegan loves Elmo. Kegan got to wear a new Elmo shirt his Grandma got him Saturday. While doing some laundry in the closet Kegan went over to the mirror in the closet and was so excited to see Elmo in the mirror. Then, when I went over and pointed out to him that Elmo was on his shirt, you would have thought Kegan just opened a great gift...he was thrilled to know Elmo was not only in the mirror, but on him, too! Through-out the rest of the morning he would look down at his shirt with such excitement...haha! What a nut!
After nap time it was off to a Hawaiian themed 1st birthday party for his friend Alex.
From left to right: Alex, Kegan and Ethan playing in the pool of balls.
I think I will just lay back for a moment if y'all don't mind.
After celebrating a little at the party, we headed over to meet the Setliff's for another Hooks baseball game...and outfit number 3 for the day. He seemed to remember what had happened at the same ball park the night before. While walking up and once he spotted the field, he kept saying "ball" and "boom".
Enjoying the view from the boxed seats, with a pretty girl.
Kegan really got into the game that night - wanting to spend most of it out in the box, and not inside where the cool air conditioning was, clapping along with the music, and cheering with the crowd. He stayed busy. Luckily, grandpa, grandma, aunt Stephani and I tag teamed keeping up with him!
After a busy weekend - a Sunday afternoon naps hits the spot.
Kegan and Elmo napping in Grandpa's chair.
Monday, July 14th, back to being busy!
While I was cooking dinner that evening I heard Kegan get out his blocks - typical, but I noticed I did not hear the blocks just being dumped everywhere - not typical, so I peeked over the counter and saw him building this tower. Why is this is big deal...this is the first time Kegan has really taken the initiative, on his own, to stack these blocks more than just 2 high. He built this tall tower all by himself. Super stable no...but I was still so proud of him!!!!
He was proud to, especially after he realized I had out the camera..."cheese!"
Tuesday, July 15.
Day one of the boot fanaticism.
Tuesday July 16.
Playing with some sunglasses.
Where is Kegan?
Ahhhh...there he is!
Mirrors are a great thing of entertainment for little ones!
" me, hiding in daddy's shirts!"
Wednesday, July 16th.
Day 3 of the boots. (Again, so far only around the house.)
Friday, July18.
Day 5 of the boots after nap time. Today, one more accessory added...a hat!
Friday not only had boots, but another baseball game. Kegan and I got a special treat Friday night - Matthew came home early...for him...and we made it to a 7:00 Hooks baseball game. We were at the gate getting ready to busy some tickets, when a man told us he would have 2 extras, so after he got his tickets, he gave us the extra 2 and we got into the game for free - WOW! They were great seats too. First row behind right field!
Kegan had plenty of room to walk around between the seats and the wall - thank goodness - he was in the mood to move that night! Still loved the game "ball", "boom"...and lots of clapping and cheering!
Go Hooks!
Friday night game - more fireworks. I did not get any pictures this time, but basically the same scenario occurred. A little fussing and ear covering during the show, but as soon as the firecrackers stopped...."crackers...crackers...boom!"
Saturday, July 19.
Kegan and I went to join Matthew for some lunch and grandpa showed up, too...much to Kegan's delight.
Grandpa shares ice cream!
Then just gives it away to him...haha!
Yummy...that was good...and a bit messy!
Day 6 of the boots.
We can wear boots with no pants while we walk with a smug face.
These boots are made for walking...
We can wear boots while we stack our cups.
We like to dance while wearing out boots.
Boots even work when our legs get tired and we want to crawl!
Sunday was nice - we had church. Of course, the boots were worn with his pants - he looked cute, I just never took the time to get out my camera...I know...crazy! Then after lunch with the family, Kegan was invited to go play with Grandma, so mom and dad got in a much needed bit of rest, while Kegan got to go nap and play in the water in Grandma's back yard. I know he had fun!
Random other updates:
1. He used to like the number 2, now everything is 3. You ask how is always three. When I am warning him to not do something I will often count, to give him some chances...well while we were at my Meme's house (I know this story is a bit out of place) I started counting 1...2...and then that little stinker said "3"...oh! Well, at least he knows what comes after 3.
2. When asked what color it is most always going to be "blue". So...he doesn't know his colors...but he knows blue is a color. That has to count for something...right!?!
3. He is getting so good at associating people with their names and being able to call people by their name when he sees them. It used to mainly be family...and a few at that...but now it is family and lots of his friends.
4. A new phrase he likes to use "There it is!"
ex: Kegan where did you put your (fill in toy name here). Kegan says, while pointing to the toy "There it is". I realized I say this quit a bit as we look for things around the house.
5. Putting 2 words together for very simple "sentences"...not a lot of them...but a few
ex: Mommy...down (when he wants down); Hi (person's name); Daddy boots...or combine...or tractor...whatever is on Kegan's mind at the moment...
He is growing up. School is starting down here, for the district I used to teach at, and it made me realize...I don't know why...but how soon the day will come when I have to take Kegan off to his first day of is approaching faster than I think I am ready for. These past 20 months have just FLOWN...I can only imagine it will seem to just get faster and faster. Till then, I will remember to enjoy the baseball games, boots and all the crazy cheesy smiles and things he does that make me laugh through-out the day!
Something to make you luagh and smile, too! Kegan's dancing randition of "If You're Happy and You Know It!"
1 comment:
What a cute post...but man, that song waits too long between instructions! ha ha!
And I love the boots - we should have gotten the kids in their boots - his green, hers pink. ha ha! Next time it will be overalls and tutus....with boots! ha ha!
You are growing up too fast Kegan!
(and great job on the blog - love the new look!)
Love, Wendy
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