Something he is starting to do and improve on is to feed himself with a spoon - thick stuff only and I have to dip the spoon and then he takes it from my hand. He does a great job of getting the spoon to his mouth and taking it out and putting it back in the bowl. He does try to scoop stuff out, but he usually does it with the wrong side of the spoon, so it doesn't pick up anything...but he is trying and he loves to take them spoon and feed himself. Oh - he perfers to hold the spoon with his right hand - we will see if that holds. Below are some pictures from the spoon feeding yogurt to himself. A little messy...but hey...he is learning!
This pictures does not do it justice, but he would put the spoon in his mouth, chomp on it with his teethe and let go with his hands...then crack up laughing. (He did not do this everytime...just a few times...but it was funny - he seemed so proud of himself.)
Thursday night we went to Joe's Crab Shack with some other moms and their babies. There is one here that has a playground so the kids played some before we sat down to eat - Kegan ate almost ALL of his kids fish!
Looking back while crawling in a tunnle.
Saturday morning Kegan and I got up, Grandma came over and we all headed to the John Deere store in Taft to see Santa and see LOTS of tractors. We met Gandpa there and had a fun morning!
Grandma taking Kegan over to meet Santa - he was not too sure about that man.
Kegan did ok standing next to Santa - as long as he could be on the tractos. It was so cute - kept trying to open the door - he knows he can go inside and in there are LOTS of buttons and levers!
Grandpa put Kegan on every tractor sitting out in frong and Kegan LOVED them all! He had so much fun turning the wheels and trying to move the gear shifter, push buttons, pull and push levers...if it could move, Kegan found it.
OOO....what is down there!?!
Look at me, Mom!
Hey, Grandpa - I think I got a hand on this driving thing!
Watch me go, Grandma!
Now - this is more Kegan size!
Kegan was not too sure about the miniture "raindeere" horses. He kept a tight hold on his Grandpa.
It is time for a hayride!
Checking out the big blow-up tractor and Santa. Kegan was not scared of this Santa at all.
Just playing around!
Sunday, Kegan helped his mom and dad put up lights on the house. Thank goodness for us, Maddie, a young girl in our neighborhood was out playing and stopped and played with Kegan for a while - great entertainment!
Helping sort through the lights.
This week we have just been hanging out - Kegan has been enjoying his toys and playing alot.
He loves his tractos and vaugly says something starting with a "t" and points to them when he wants to play with them - he is trying to say it!
He loves his tractos and vaugly says something starting with a "t" and points to them when he wants to play with them - he is trying to say it!
Yes, yes, he is feeding the dog. Usually the dogs are not in, but for some reason we let them in on Tuesday night and they were great and did not try and eat off his tray, but Maggie did sit and stare at Kegan the entire time and Kegan finally got the messege and fed her something.
And...this was right after he shared some is holding the camera, dad is laughing, and Kegan is sharing slobber with the dog - YUCK! It did not seem to bother him...haha!

Wednesday night we went over to Josh and Stephani's house to celebrate Stephani's birthday. Kegan got duded up in his NEW Wranglers and his freshly ironed red shirt and we headed over!

They have this singing and dancing toy dog at their house and Kegan loved it -of course. Give the child music and he will dance and smile all night long.
They have this singing and dancing toy dog at their house and Kegan loved it -of course. Give the child music and he will dance and smile all night long.
A rear picture of those Wranglers while he was booging down! (He is standing infront of the singing dog.)
He danced a lot that night - he would bounce up and down, shake his booty, move his head up and down, move his arms around, he even got on the ground and moved his arms and legs like dancing on the floor, he got on all fours and bounced just his head...the kid got down that night! It was quite entertaining!!!
Today continued to be a good day - he charmed EVERYONE while we were out running errends...flirted witha few young girls, and almost twisted his head backwards looking at a young lady who passed in a stroller - oh...he is too young for that!
1 comment:
LOVE the John Deere overalls and the Wranglers. William is jealous (okay, maybe it's me).
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