We had not been out to the farm in a while, so Kegan and I met daddy out there and went for a ride on a tractor! Kegan loves being out there and is enthralled with everything around him - the tractors (of course), the big tires, and ALL those neat, brightly colored buttons and levers inside the tractor!
Before we rode we had lunch off the hood of the truck. Kegan loves french fries!
Isn't it cute...he really looks like he is concentrating on what he is doing!
I know he is partly gut off, but I thought this was cute...plus look at those front pearly, white, chompers!
And next...just a few examples of the MANY faces of Kegan.
I don't know what this one is...but it made me laugh.
"What you talking about Momma!"
"Oh! Life is so hard! The agony of not being able to get on the tractor floor and crawl around!"
A little side note of cuteness - Kegan has this John Deere toy at his grandparents house that has a steering wheel on it and some buttons and levers to push. Basically, anything you push or move on it will make a noise or start playing a song. Well, Kegan kept trying to move the turn signal lever up and down...he seemed determined to make a song start. Matthew and I had a good laugh out of it. We all had fun that afternoon and I think it definitely brightened his daddy's day!
Here are some pictures of Kegan just playing around and being mischievous!
Matthew had just got home and needless to say, Kegan was thrilled to see his daddy!
I was in the bedroom doing something...laundry I am sure...and Kegan had just been crawling around and playing and then I heard some rustling around in the bathroom - look who learned how to open the door to the cabinet and use the shelves to stand up and start taking things out. What a stinker.
"Who me, mom? I did not do all of this! I was just putting it back for you!"
Checking out what is under the bed and just chillin'.
Bath time is always filled with excitement for Kegan and now filled with lots of squeals of excitement!
He LOVES the water and so far seems to have no fear of it...at all.... As you can tell he just sticks his head right up to it. Here he is trying to get a drink, but he has been known to go ahead and stick his entire head under the running faucet.
Mohawk time.
Up early and already getting into things!
Why open one drawer when you can open two?
Saturday morning Kegan woke up to a partly decorated for Christmas house. One thing I did have out was his Little People Manger scene. I figured if this was out and he had something new to play with he would not be AS tempter to touch all the other decorations, however I think between the baby gate in front of the tree and everything else high up this year, we should be good...we shall see though! He looked at the characters for a while and then...swoosh...plowed them all over and laughed...better this than something breakable!
Saturday night Kegan had a birthday party to go to for his friend Cason...and he had a blast with all the toys laid out to play with.
Here he is enjoying himself inside the miniature bouncing house.
He stayed in here, very content, for a long time.
Kegan is showing his friend William how to properly drive a tractor...since he has had so much experience with one...haha! I don't know if William appreciates the help, though. HA!
I thought this was pretty smart of him. He used the tractor to get over near the sand box, and instead of letting go of the tractor, crawling a little closer to the sand box, and then pulling up, he used the tractors hood to support his one hand while he carefully reached out with the other hand and let go after he had a good grip on the sand box - smart and getting a little more daring about maneuvering around.
Oh, I wanted to mention...really brag, for a moment. Being that this was a one year birthday party there were of course a lot of adults and some with no kids who were family and family friends of Cason. Anyways, Kegan found a bouncing ball a little smaller than a baseball and impressed some adults at the party with his excellent throwing skills. Really, they said it and played with him for a while so he could throw it back to them. Way to go Kegan! Needless to say - he did indeed have a fun evening and was pooped when we got in the car to head home.
This looks like it is going to be a good, but busy week, coming up, so until then, Kegan is closing the door and saying, "good bye!"
1 comment:
You haven't even started to get Mr. Personality's many faces!! Such a cute, smart little boy. Growing bigger and smarter and cuter every day.
Give him a hug for me
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