Matthew and I just returned last night from a trip to North Carolina, where we went to visit Cotton and Incorporated and got to see all that they are doing to further cotton in the world market. All that said, Kegan got to spend Friday night all the way till we got him back last night, with his Grandparents. I have to admit, it was hard to say good-bye Friday night. We had never been away from him for that long before, but I knew he was in good hands and would come back very happy and spoiled. We did call and check in on him Saturday night and Sunday night to hear reports that he was doing well, but seemed to be missing home. Well, of course, this just melted my heart. His aunt Stephani watch him Monday and Tuesday, during the day and called us, both days so we could say hello to Kegan and hear him squeal. She said he would smile real big when he heard our voices on the phone. Monday she took Kegan to the store in Alice so Kegan could visit his Grandma. Mrs. Setliff said that as soon as he saw the tractors he lunged forward at them, like he knew what they were and they his daddy was usually somewhere around. Alas, no daddy, but, from what I heard, Kegan entertained everybody at the store. What a charmer! Tuesday night our plane got delayed and we did not get in till 10:30. The Setliff's came and picked us up, with a sleeping baby boy. We did not get to play with him that night, but we did get to see how big he had gotten. I think it just seemed like the grew a ton because we had not been away before for more than a night. It was so GREAT to see our baby boy again. This morning though, he seemed a bit disoriented when he woke up. He knew when he had gone to sleep he had been somewhere else. After a few minutes he started to get his bearings back and was smiling and playing. It was such a JOY to get to see him and hold him!!! The trip was nice, and I know he had fun here with his grandparents and aunt, but it was so good to get back home with him! We will just have to see how today goes to see how truly spoiled he got. I was warned he might be a bit spoiled now...haha!
Some other updates:
1. He has 2 more teeth coming in, on top. They had even pushed through only 4 days.
2. As of last Friday, he now faces FORWARD in his car seat and he LOVES it! I also like being able to see him better and hand him his toys and sippie more easily! We can even smile at each other in the car now!

3. He is getting VERY attached to this green blanket he has. One side is satin and the other is soft and fuzzy. Mrs. Setliff said he was just hold on to it and snuggle with it during the week and this morning I got to see how special it was to him. You could tell it was a comfort for him while he was getting everything straight this morning about his whereabouts.
4. He has discovered that if you make the toilet paper roll spin, all the paper comes spinning off, spilling on to the floor. Kegan finds great amusement in this till mommy catches him and makes him stop.
More cute pictures:
Look who can crawl under things now!

Playing with one of his favorite toys - his cymbals.

Another favorite - a blue, satin, his big boy pjs...ins't he cute!
1 comment:
I love the picture with the blue ribbon - he is so adorable! I can't wait to see you all this weekend!
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