I seem to have lost the cord that connects my camera to the computer, so I am going to have to download the pictures from the past 3 weeks onto a CD at a picture place and then post them...and there are some VERY cute pictures to post!
Now, to catch up. Two weeks ago, we were in Plano. Matthew, Nolan, my dad, and another guy went fishing down the Brazos river, while Kegan and I...and later Karsyn and Wendy spent time in Plano.
Wednesday, Kegan and I took it pretty easy. I did take Kegan to show him off to my boss at the photography studio I worked at. He enjoyed seeing Kegan - Kegan can always bring a smile to people's faces! That night Kegan and Grams had some time together while I went to eat with some of my friends in the area.
Thursday - we spent the entire day with Grams. Kegan went with us while I got a haircut and pedicure. Shhh...don't tell his daddy, but Kegan seemed very interested in the pedicure...haha...I think it was more the bubbles and sounds. It was funny! After that we all ran some errands...shopping for little man. We went home that night, spent some time playing and then Grams put him to bed.
Wendy and Karsyn got in late Thursday, so Kegan did not get to see them till Friday morning. Once again, the babies seemed to remember each other and smiled and "talked" when they saw each other. I love to watch them interact - it is too cute!
Have you ever treid to lay two babies side by side to compare height...not very easy!
They had enough...so off they went!
Friday, we went shopping to find the babies matching close for some pictures we were taking on Saturday...and whatever other good deals we ran in to. Grams spent a lot of quality time entertaining and playing with the babies, while Wendy and I looked around.
Oooh...look at me ride, mom!
I LIKE driving!...althought I am not too sure Karsyn is too sure she likes his driving!
Friday evening we all just hung around the house and let the babies play. Karsyn is now walking and Kegan watched her so close when ever she moved around the room. It was like he was trying to study how she did it, so he could...he definitely got more daring the more he watched her. I think his walking alone is still quite a ways off, though.
Saturday, we went and had pictures taken of the kids. Kegan was ALL smiles that day so we got some very cute shots. (I just made all the photoes into a slide show - thank you Shanna - and so you are going to see the good, the not so good, the cute, and the not as cute...but none are bad...of course!)
The men came home that evening. Now, Kegan really enjoyed his time with all the girls...but he was very excited when he saw his daddy...and more men in the house than just him! Sunday morning we went to church with my parents and of course, got to show him off a little more. My dad was toting him around so proudly showing him to people! At one point in time that morning, my dad was the only one Kegan would go to. He would cry until we handed him back to his Grandpa. I guess he enjoyed being shown off...hehe!
We left Monday morning and made it to the Austin area around lunch, so we were able to stop and eat with Uncle Kyle and Aunt Lindsay (who skipped a class to come see the nephew she loves!). We had a nice lunch with them - Lindsay held Kegan and entertained him the whole time...she even volunteered to change a stinky diaper! It was short...but great to see them. It had been a while and we will not see them again till Kegan's birthday. We made another stop at a John Deere store before finally getting in pretty late Monday night.
The rest of that week was a bit crazy. I will just say that Kegan learned what a skunk smelled like. His entire house reeked of skunk after the dogs and our back porch were sprayed...ugh!
Friday finally came, though, and Kegan and I headed off to Wharton. He did pretty good on the trip...just got a little ancy towards the end. I had to go meet with my cousin when I got in, so Grandma offered to watch Kegan for the hour I was gone. She was very impressed how happy he stayed after I dropped him off. She was also impressed by how much she thought he had grown in just two weeks and asked if I was feeding him lead. No, no...just a growing boy! We spent the rest of Friday spending time with my grandparents and my Aunt Betsey, who joined us later in the day. Kegan was relishing in all the attention he was getting.
Saturday morning, after Kegan and I took a walk around the neighborhood, Grams and Karsyn showed up. He remembered both of them. Now, I may just be the mom talking, but I think he is pretty smart to remember them after gaps in seeing them. There are other things that I see him remembering real well, but I will not go into that too much...I would look like a bragging mom. Let's just say, I think he is a very smart boy! Saturday was a fun and relaxing day of spending time with the babies and family (great grandparents, Grams, and Lynne (my cousin) and her girls...who were great with the babies and the babies loved them! Kegan and Karsyn had their first sleep over Saturday night. Their pack and plays were set up beside each other in my bedroom. They did well and did not seem to bother each other.
This is the story, in one picture, of what it is like to try and take a picture of two little ones (thank you Miss Julianne for sitting and smiling through ALL of them!)
Cousins - Did I mention how good Tori and Kasey were with the kids!?!
Kasey and Kegan
Sunday morning Wendy and Nolan got there and we all headed up to church (as well as a lot of extended family) for a ceremony that was honoring my Pappa. Kegan cried a little going to the nursery, but the ladies said they gave him a few Cheerios and he was happy. Already and it seems that the way to his heart is through his stomach...such a man! Ha! After lunch and some visiting with the family, Kegan and I headed home!
It was a fun two weeks - lots of great memories!
A little something interesting from today - Kegan learned to drink from a straw. My sister had given Kegan this little cup that had a soft bendy straw and we worked on it tonight, and he got it. It was so cute to see him the first few times he sucked the water up. It surprised him and he would spit it out. He quickly learned to swallow while he was drinking and the spitting got a little better! I also had proof today that Kegan still really likes the blonds. We were checking out at Hobby Lobby and Kegan was smiling and showing off for the pretty, little, blond girl checking us out. Then, he proceeded to stare at her all the way out of the store...what a flirt!
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