I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Kegan certainly enjoyed his SECOND Christmas!
Saturday afternoon Kegan started his Christmas travels with Mommy and Daddy with a trip up to Pasadena to see Meme and Poppa, getting an hour stopover to play and crawl at Grandma and Pappa's. I had forgotton to charge my camera battery so I have no pictures from Grandma and Pappa's but Kegan enjoyed playing there. He seems, to me, smarter than the average baby - he remeber people so well. We have not seen them, nor my Meme and Poppa, my parents, or my sister her husband and Karsyn since Thanksgiving or longer and he had no problem going to any of them (Most books say children Kegan's age will not remember people they do not see often and will have anxieties about being with them.) Ok - back to his Christmas time. At Grandma and Pappa's he played ball with Pappa, played with some new toys given to him, and enjoyed being held by my Pappa - even crawling over to him and pulling on his pant leg, wanting to be held. After a nice visit, we headed off the rest of the way to Pasadena to another set of very anxiously awaiting great-grandparents; my Meme and Poppa. Kegan really seemed to uplift the spirits of my Meme and Poppa. Infact, my Poppa got of his bed Sunday - something he had not done in 2 weeks. Below are some pictures from Sunday.
At the breakfast table - It looks like Kegan is still a bit tired! This was a great meal though - first time my grandfather had eaten at the table in a LONG time.

A favorite passtime while visiting - going through all of Meme's MANY kitchen drawers full of lots of containers to pull out.

After lunch on Sunday Kegan headed out for more traveling with his Mommy and Daddy, this time headed all the way up to Plano. Kegan slept the ENTIRE trip - no kidding! He was getting himself ready to spend time with his Grams and Grandpa! He woke up right as we were pulling up to my parents house and said "OOOOH!" when he saw all of Grandpa's lights shining, blinking, and flashing! He was very excited to see Grams and Grandpa and went right to them ready to hand out smiles and hugs! That night he also got to see his "aunti C and uncle Randy" - wich to Coutney's disapointment he showed that he is a guy's guy - he went to Randy right away...but took some time to warm up to Courtney.
Catching up with Courtney and Randy before we go and eat.

Monday morning Grams and I were busy baking while Kegan made a trip to a hardware store with his Grandpa and Daddy. I was told Kegan got LOTS of attention and shared many smiles! Right after they got back Uncle Nolan, Aunt Wendy and Karsyn showed up and let me tell you Kegan and Karsyn were happy to see eachother. It never fails as soon as they see eachother they start talking, smiling, pointing, and laughing - what a JOY!
We headed back and home and got ready for the Christmas Eve service -with no childcare, so the babies joined up for church time. Kegan was a bit hungry so he stayed quite with cheerios and milk for most of the service...only getting loud twice. That night the babies got to get close to the tree...and climb the boxes...hahah...
We also got to open our Christmas day pjs (a tradition). Kegan LOVES to tear the paper and gets VERY proud of himself when he tears some off the box - squeling and looking around at everyone with a big grin. (Look below under Christmas day pictures to see the joy of unwrapping!)

After a nice breakfast - we have to eat first - baby bellies will not wait - we went in to open gifts.
Finally the babies woke up and were able to come in and play with all their new toys! What a loud (lots of music playing and talking instraments) and fun time that was! Here are some more pictures of the fun and relaxing Christmas day!

Lap hopping...

Wednesday started pretty early with pictures of the babies to go and get done and errends to run - the babies and dads even joined in the...uhh...fun (that probably depends on who you ask.).By the time we ended - the babies were out for a nap.
Before a day of shopping starts our little super hero had to get in his morning flying practice! (It was real cute he was crawling around all morning with his little bit on and it kept getting twisted all around, so we turned it all the way into a super hero cape!)

Saturday afternoon Kegan started his Christmas travels with Mommy and Daddy with a trip up to Pasadena to see Meme and Poppa, getting an hour stopover to play and crawl at Grandma and Pappa's. I had forgotton to charge my camera battery so I have no pictures from Grandma and Pappa's but Kegan enjoyed playing there. He seems, to me, smarter than the average baby - he remeber people so well. We have not seen them, nor my Meme and Poppa, my parents, or my sister her husband and Karsyn since Thanksgiving or longer and he had no problem going to any of them (Most books say children Kegan's age will not remember people they do not see often and will have anxieties about being with them.) Ok - back to his Christmas time. At Grandma and Pappa's he played ball with Pappa, played with some new toys given to him, and enjoyed being held by my Pappa - even crawling over to him and pulling on his pant leg, wanting to be held. After a nice visit, we headed off the rest of the way to Pasadena to another set of very anxiously awaiting great-grandparents; my Meme and Poppa. Kegan really seemed to uplift the spirits of my Meme and Poppa. Infact, my Poppa got of his bed Sunday - something he had not done in 2 weeks. Below are some pictures from Sunday.
At the breakfast table - It looks like Kegan is still a bit tired! This was a great meal though - first time my grandfather had eaten at the table in a LONG time.
A favorite passtime while visiting - going through all of Meme's MANY kitchen drawers full of lots of containers to pull out.
Kegan fell asleep for a LONG nap in Meme's arms.
Pictures with Poppa before we leave.
After lunch on Sunday Kegan headed out for more traveling with his Mommy and Daddy, this time headed all the way up to Plano. Kegan slept the ENTIRE trip - no kidding! He was getting himself ready to spend time with his Grams and Grandpa! He woke up right as we were pulling up to my parents house and said "OOOOH!" when he saw all of Grandpa's lights shining, blinking, and flashing! He was very excited to see Grams and Grandpa and went right to them ready to hand out smiles and hugs! That night he also got to see his "aunti C and uncle Randy" - wich to Coutney's disapointment he showed that he is a guy's guy - he went to Randy right away...but took some time to warm up to Courtney.
Catching up with Courtney and Randy before we go and eat.
Hangin' with the men!

This is the face of a true boy enjoying a true boy email that was forwarded to Matthew. Let's just say it involves little animated characters passing gas. Kegan would crack up and then try to impersinate them - super! hahah...we all had a good laugh!

This is the face of a true boy enjoying a true boy email that was forwarded to Matthew. Let's just say it involves little animated characters passing gas. Kegan would crack up and then try to impersinate them - super! hahah...we all had a good laugh!
Monday morning Grams and I were busy baking while Kegan made a trip to a hardware store with his Grandpa and Daddy. I was told Kegan got LOTS of attention and shared many smiles! Right after they got back Uncle Nolan, Aunt Wendy and Karsyn showed up and let me tell you Kegan and Karsyn were happy to see eachother. It never fails as soon as they see eachother they start talking, smiling, pointing, and laughing - what a JOY!
Handsome boy!
We all headed to Bass Pro Shop (I know...) to visit Santa and his VERY cool sleigh set-up with all the reindeere (the stuffed deere from around the store - it looks ver neat). Once again - Kegan was not too crazy about Santa, but this time he had company - 2 not so happy babies....

What better way to entertain babies at Bass Pro then let them explore the tents.

You can not see in these pictures, but this ATV was green and for some reason Kegan felt a need to try and drive it...and pull every lever in his reach.

What better way to entertain babies at Bass Pro then let them explore the tents.
You can not see in these pictures, but this ATV was green and for some reason Kegan felt a need to try and drive it...and pull every lever in his reach.
Karsyn thought she could do a better job, though!
We headed back and home and got ready for the Christmas Eve service -with no childcare, so the babies joined up for church time. Kegan was a bit hungry so he stayed quite with cheerios and milk for most of the service...only getting loud twice. That night the babies got to get close to the tree...and climb the boxes...hahah...
Thinking about something - probebly wondering when the camera will stop flashing.
We also got to open our Christmas day pjs (a tradition). Kegan LOVES to tear the paper and gets VERY proud of himself when he tears some off the box - squeling and looking around at everyone with a big grin. (Look below under Christmas day pictures to see the joy of unwrapping!)
After a nice breakfast - we have to eat first - baby bellies will not wait - we went in to open gifts.
New Christmas bibs for Christmas morning breakfast.
Playing around with daddy before going in to open gifts.
The babies enjoyed seeing all the gifts, playing with their gift from Santa - although I think Karsyn's musical toy was more of a hit...haha - and playing with their stocking stuffers from Santa. Next, we sorted out the gifts, the babies opened a few (Kegan ejoying the paper)...and then the babies got sleepy and went down for a nap.
Going through the gifts.
Let's tear the paper!
Wearing down...
Put down for a nap with his brand new pillow from Santa.
Finally the babies woke up and were able to come in and play with all their new toys! What a loud (lots of music playing and talking instraments) and fun time that was! Here are some more pictures of the fun and relaxing Christmas day!
Lap hopping...
All wrapped up with a bow on...bottom.
The best gift to give a grandparent - a super double hug with lots of love!
Time for bed after a wonderful and fun day!
Wednesday started pretty early with pictures of the babies to go and get done and errends to run - the babies and dads even joined in the...uhh...fun (that probably depends on who you ask.).By the time we ended - the babies were out for a nap.
Karsyn helping to brush Kegan's hair.
Picture perfect ready.
That evening many of my friends who are up in the Dallas area came over and we all went to eat and catch up, while Grams and Grandpa took care of Kegan - but not till baby boy got to meat my friends - I think he got a bit overwhelmed.
Before a day of shopping starts our little super hero had to get in his morning flying practice! (It was real cute he was crawling around all morning with his little bit on and it kept getting twisted all around, so we turned it all the way into a super hero cape!)
Hanging out with my friends while Kegan enjoyed time with his Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle, and cousin.

Thursday morning Uncle Nolan, Aunt Wendy, and Karsyn headed out while we stayed around for one more day. We had a pretty relaxing morning and then Kegan again joined his Daddy and Grandpa while they ran around...finally ending with a trip to Cabella's (while Grams and I went to go get my hair cut.) Matthew and Grandpa told me he enjoyed looking at all the animals around Cabella's and ood and awed a lot. Kegan even got to eat some pizza because he got hungry before they headed home for dinner. Matthew said he took a bite to show Kegan what to do and Kegan then took bites off the pizza when they placed the slice into his mouth.
Friday, we got up, packed and had to say goodbye. Kegan did VERY well on the long ride home only needing to get out once for lunch. That night his other Grandparents came over - they could not wait to see Kegan and was happy - with big smiles - when he saw them at the door - much to their delight!
Today, Satruday, I got a special treat and so did Kegan. Matthew took Kegan out and around the farm (they met up with Grandpa) while I was able to unpack in peace with no little hands trying to "help". What a great week...but Kegan's celebration of Christmas is not quite over - next weekend we will get together with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Kyle and Aunt Lindsay, and Uncle Josh and Aunt Stephani - for more enjoyable time with family and remembering that Jesus is the reason for the season. Might I take a moment to say that having a baby now, makes my mind even more in aw of Jesus coming as a baby into this world - to look at Kegan and think, huh??? did our Savior ever do this...act like that...squeel about this or that. Praise the Lord for sending his son to the earth, to die for our sins, and rise again so that we may have eterternal life. I can not imagive giving my only son - whom I love so much - to die for this world. Praise the Lord for Kegan and the wonderful memories we made this Christmas and I pray we have many more in the future
Thursday morning Uncle Nolan, Aunt Wendy, and Karsyn headed out while we stayed around for one more day. We had a pretty relaxing morning and then Kegan again joined his Daddy and Grandpa while they ran around...finally ending with a trip to Cabella's (while Grams and I went to go get my hair cut.) Matthew and Grandpa told me he enjoyed looking at all the animals around Cabella's and ood and awed a lot. Kegan even got to eat some pizza because he got hungry before they headed home for dinner. Matthew said he took a bite to show Kegan what to do and Kegan then took bites off the pizza when they placed the slice into his mouth.
Friday, we got up, packed and had to say goodbye. Kegan did VERY well on the long ride home only needing to get out once for lunch. That night his other Grandparents came over - they could not wait to see Kegan and was happy - with big smiles - when he saw them at the door - much to their delight!
Today, Satruday, I got a special treat and so did Kegan. Matthew took Kegan out and around the farm (they met up with Grandpa) while I was able to unpack in peace with no little hands trying to "help". What a great week...but Kegan's celebration of Christmas is not quite over - next weekend we will get together with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Kyle and Aunt Lindsay, and Uncle Josh and Aunt Stephani - for more enjoyable time with family and remembering that Jesus is the reason for the season. Might I take a moment to say that having a baby now, makes my mind even more in aw of Jesus coming as a baby into this world - to look at Kegan and think, huh??? did our Savior ever do this...act like that...squeel about this or that. Praise the Lord for sending his son to the earth, to die for our sins, and rise again so that we may have eterternal life. I can not imagive giving my only son - whom I love so much - to die for this world. Praise the Lord for Kegan and the wonderful memories we made this Christmas and I pray we have many more in the future