Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And there goes January

Ahh...well nothing like posting one month in one post.... Sad thing is we have done some great things, and much to share, but too much to post in one post...so I will just be giving the short version - ie: mainly pictures and a few comments :)

Christmas at the Setliff's (and our last official celebration for Christmas '09)
Do you think he is excited about this gift? haha...so great the joy!

They always say the bow and/or box is the best part of the gift for kids

Umm...once again, do you think he was excited about these camo overalls? I just don't know...haha

The ladies with the craziness of the kids - where are the men in this scenerio?

One of this Christmas's top gifts (so I heard it was the thing to give) - a snuggie...haha...actually Uncle Kyle much appreciated this gift form Aunt Stephani - I just thought it was a funny picture - a grown man, in a snuggie - ha!

More pictures from January
Crawling ALL OVER the place these days. I love the sound of the hands going splat splat on the floor as he crawls to find me - so cute! :)
Playing with his sword
Enjoying his new art easle
(He seems to like circles)
Just some random pictures I took one day in Matthew truck out at the farm. The random, unexpected ones are always the best...to bad the background was not a little better.

(see his 4 teeth in there)
Sweet moments

Livestock show 2009
(I love these next 4 shots - again, unplanned, just Kegan being Kegan and me snapping my camera before we loaded up to go)
The mysteriouse cowboy
The sly cowboy (I think the car exhaust created a great smokey effect...haha)
Happy Cowboy
Contemplative cowboy
I did not do a great job at taking lots of pictures that week (I was busy behind the desk) and the boys actaully got to spend 1 1/2 days with the Gramma!
Checking out the goats

Haha..check out Ty's face here...haha...I think the goat had just stuck it's head through the bars and I guess is shocked Ty - ha!
Helping to clean up after the award show - strong muscle man
Family picture
Yee-haw Kegan cowboy - isn't this shirt adorable! Thanks Gramma :)
Isn't he adorable!!!! - I think we were checking out the pigs, here.
Matthew was making out a list of things to be done at work the next day. Kegan ran to get his notebook, a crayon, crawlled up next to his dad and made his own list - too preciouse!
Beautiful baby boy!
Next picture a bit gross - beware.
What you do not want to find when you go get your child out of his bed from nap. Needless to say we called the doctor, made a trip up there...all to find out, THANK GOODNESS, nothing wrong. The doctor thinks he just scratched it somewhere while tugging on his ear.
Crazy, shaggy, thik hair, on this adorable child!
Both boys scottin (Ty more just sittin') on their rides
"It will not move and that makes me mad!"
Up high in the sky
These last two pictures are of my sweet neice, Whitley - who is growing and changing with each day!
"That is one bright flash Aunt Gail!"
I caught a grin while we were playing on the floor - so sweet!!!

1 comment:

Grams said...

Wonderful pictures. Great subject!!

The one of Kegan copying his dad is priceless. Makes you really think on what they are observing on day-to-day normal activities....