Monday, October 5, 2009

...and I had done so well...

Ok...not really...I posted 3 blogs in a row because I had gotton so far behind...and now I have continued to get far behind, which is really very sad because so much has gone on and the boys are both growing and chaning and there is much to say.... Kegan, oh, daily I am going, "What did you say? Who knew you understood (put concept in here)." Or...just to hear how his growing mind interprest things...oh he makes me laugh! Then Ty, well he has become our little babbler - not a clue as to what he is saying, but he is saying a lot - dadada....baaabaaa....maaamaaaa...aaaaa.....eeeeee.....oooooo....ok, you get the picture. He will sit there and respond when you talk to him, and he is totally serious. Ty also loves to give kisses - ie, he slobbers all over your cheeks as he opens his mouth and latches on like a fish - still so sweet! Anyways, I will just get to the adorable pictures of some of what we were up to the second half of September...and a little of October.

Taking a trip to Alice to see Gramma:
Kegan riding and operating (not driving, just moving it up and down) a fork lift

All smiles as he gets ready for a ride with Gramma on a Gator

Kegan got the toy...and Ty seemed very happy to get the box (he was entertained through-out the night with that box...)

Proud to be sleeping in a daddy t-shirt (this has been a request lately...)

Ty tried a biter biscuit for the first time. He is all cute smiles in these pictures, but he is not really a huge fan of them - he will munch on them for a bit, then thow them down...
Want a bite mom?

I am not too sad he is not crazy about these things - they are so messy!

Glasses, check...cell phone on the console, check...keys in hand, check...looks like he is ready to go!

Someone has aquired a taste for a new food...
going for it...

got in my hand...

score! A good bite!

Haha...this picture just makes me laugh!

September 19th, Matthew and I went to a wedding (Matthew was an usher) in the Woodlands, while the boys stayed with my meme, and mom, who drove in to help with the boys, in Pasadena...unfortunatly Grams (clearing throat...haha) forgot to take pictures with my camera, and we were gone from 1ish till about I did not get too many pictures.
Matthew and me ready to head off to the wedding

Meme, Kegan, Grams, and Ty hanging out on the swing

Tuesday, September 22 was, "Donuts with Dad" day at school - so Matthew got to take Kegan to school that morning and have donuts with him. I love Kegan's face in the picture - you can see the happiness that he has because he is going with daddy...(side note: That afternoon, when I went to go pick him up, Kegan came running towards me, then stopped, dead in his tracks, a few feet a way from me, looked at me and said, "Where is Daddy?" - oh, I guess I am no longer exciting to see...haha....)

Ty has discovered a new favorite toy - stacking cups....or in his case...usually chewing and banging together cups

Haha...I have discovered that he makes this silly face alot - not sure what it is, but it is cute!

Our garbage disposal had to be replaced, so Kegan decided he would get in there and do a little plumping himself...

hehe...offering his daddy some of his tools

A new favorite: Give Ty a box with toys in it and he will just sit there and play and play - searching for toys, playing with the toy, then searching some more...till all toys are out!

The last weekend in September I had a weekend away with some of my dear friends from College. This year we met in San Antonio. Matthew watching Kegan and Gramma watched Ty - all parties involved sounded like they enjoyed thier weekend. I, personally, just loved being away, seeing my friends, and not having someone ask me at 7:00 in the morning...or a little earlier if we are lucky, for grapes.
Katy, Haley, and Angela (Goo)

me and Stephani

The entire groupw

We got out some puzzles one day (Ty's first time at them) to play with.
Below is the picture to make everyone think Ty is being very contemplative about where to put the piece

...this is really what he wanted to do most with the puzzle pieces - chew on them!

Wednesday - a little trip to Krispy Kream - YUMM-O!

Really searching through the basket for the perfect toy to get out. (Notice the red mark by his ear - that is a misquito bite. I would spray him down when we went out, but those pesky creature would find him and eat him up.

Got a good toy - taste yummy!

I had to get some stuff fixed on my car last week...and this was the car I got to drive in while waiting for my repairs to be completed. This car is not built for a mom of two kids who had a double stroller.... Kegan LOVED this little car though - I think because he could open the door on his own, and he loved opening the trunk

Saturday, we had a shower for Stephani (who is expecint mid-November).
Being a little proud and showing off the diaper cake Laura and I made...and my sister gave me the idea for. Anyways, I was pretty please with how it turned out.

Here is the cake for eating - isn't it beautiful!?! The bottle, on top, in the back, is edible - 100% white chocolate!

2 sister-in-laws standing with the gift from the hostesses
Lindsay, Stephani, and Gail

All the hostesses with the mommy-to-be

Gail and Stephani

Just a quick praise to a great husband who took the boys with him all morning and part of the afternoon while I was doing stuff for and with the shower- thanks Matthew!
Nappin' with Pampa

Uncle Kyle and Aunt Lindsay entertaining my children - thanks! haha....

Earlier this evening
I was doing laundry and had out the luandry basket. I slipped it over Ty's head to play peek-a-boo and Kegan quickly joined in - they had fun playing together, and I love to watch them!
Can't you just hear the laughter with this one!?!

Haha...I just loved this shot!

Having fun!

Ok - all caught up... on picutres at least...too many stories to write in one post...

1 comment:

Haley said...

They are so cute! I just want to squeeze them both!