At 3 months I was weighing about 13 lbs 4 oz. Mom says it is all in my cheeks and tummy!
My height, I can't remember exactly, and since I can't get the tape measure out myself, I am thinking she said 24 inches long...give or take a little.
Naturally I am not only a cute kid, but very smart and strong. Here are a few things I am doing.
1. I push up a lot on my legs if you hold me under my arms and let me feet on the tops of legs or the ground.
2. I prefer to be facing outward so I can see everything around me.
3. I am sleeping about 8 1/2 - 9 hours at night...I think mom is trying to get me sleeping longer...but I think that is pretty good for now!
4. I can hold my head up pretty high by myself when laying on my stomach - and do still roll from my stomach to back (although I am not a HUGE fan of it)
5. I coo, squeel and talk alot! Mom really thinks I am good at conversation.
6. I share tons of smiles...I stay in a pretty content mood most of the day...but still fight off some naps. Hey, everyone needs there one vice :)!
7. Watching my big brother Kegan is one of my favorite things to do.
8. I think I am discovering my feet...just in the past few days I am noticing something that I can move and kick...and look at them.
9. I am trying to learn to control my hands and where they move to...working on it! I am noticing toys, though and look/reach for them.
10. I grip onto lots of things that pass through/by my hands. My mom's hair, earrings, and necklaces have been my prey!
hmm....that is all I can think of for now...but stayed tuned, I am growing, learning and changing daily!!! could I forget...I am sitting in my bumpo now - I told you I am strong - very strong neck!!!
Happy me
Serious me
Just to compare
Me just born
At one month
Two Months
Three months (look how big I am!!!!)
I was grabbing the bear here...and ended up pulling the bear over me - I have a strong grip!
Up close and person...hello!
Serious man in the bumpo...grrrr...gonna' get you!
I was zonked here. Mom laid me down for a moment while she ran to get something from her closet and before she came back (less than 30 seconds) I was out....I must have been growing that day!
Playing with my toys
Oh yes, I love chewing/sucking on my knuckles!
Ok...I was all cute in my western wear....then my silly momma put my boots on the wrong feet (notice the bottom of the boots) I was trying to tell her with my face here...she was not getting the point
All fixed up...aren't I cute!!!
Mommy likes this picture
Do your cheeks hang they wobble to and frow...hehe...mine do! I love them!
I was giving mom a smile so she would stop taking all these pictures!
but she still got one more...Oh well it does show my sweet eyes and great chins! :))
Well...I decided to be a nice little brother and put in a few pictures for Kegan, too!
I guess I will be here one day, helping mom make up my bed, but in the mean time, I wanted to show off my brother's job at putting the pillows on his bed (which he called his barn). I don't understand it...but he was convinced it was his barn...
Haha...daddy stamped all over Kegan...
bubble blowing
He was telling mom not to follow as he went to the "grocery store" to buy more bubbles
Haha...he things he is so handsome on mommy's sunglasses...
Last Saturday we got to go to a Hooks game with Gramma and Pampa...and Sammy came to!
I just kind-of hung with mom a lot....
Finally, Kegan went to his last day of school on Thursday...which means I will get to be entertained by him EVERY day of the week now! I am so looking forward to him being home with mommy and me.
Kegan, his 3 teachers, and a friend in his class
Enjoying his pizza and juice
His classroom and friends
What a tired he fell asleep with the glove on his hand and ball in the glove..
I hope my post was ok and you enjoyed...and hopefully mom will get back on the ball so I can do other things, like sleep or play, with my time...but if she doesn't I will write again. I am way advanced for an infant...haha...