To the week:
Monday was a "normal day" normal as raising a two year old can be...haha...then Tuesday, after picking up Kegan from school, we headed off to the show barn to get some work done - me getting things set up on the computer for the students to check in their metal and wood projects they built, Matthew was setting up the banners, moving tables and things around, bringing in some of the large b-b-que pits, deer blind, trailers, etc...the kids were checking in, and Kegan was running, playing, "helping" and most importantly, getting to ride on the tractor. :)
Wednesday morning - bright and early Matthew and I got up and got ready and Mrs. Setliff came over to watch Kegan for the morning - although he is very helpful, I don't think the hustle and bustle of check-in day would have been too much fun for him ( keeping up with him and checking in all the students on the computer). Sooo...he spent a wonderful morning playing with his Gramma. We came home that afternoon - Matthew had to do some things on the farm, and I stayed with him while he napped. Then back to the barn - he went for a little bit - saw the pigs with Daddy, and then back off to Grammas till about 10:00 that night when we picked him up. (Side note - I had a few people who had shown in previous years ask where "that cute little boy from last year was.."...ahhh!!!!)
Thursday morning - Off to school he went while we were back at the show barn. After school he spent some time with Aunt Stephani and then at Gramma's. It was judging day and knowing that Matthew and I are both crazy busy they volunteered to help.
Friday -(The only day I have pictures from) It was Kegan's day at the barn. He was sooo... good. Really! Well...except that he did not want to nap (although he did FINALLY go down), but he was in a great mood the entire time and everyone complimented him on how well behaved he was and of course, on how cute he was... :)! Mid-way through the morning Aunt Stephani and Uncle Josh came by and picked him up and take him around the barn while Matthew and I worked - he saw more pigs, rode on a steer, and got to pet some rabbits, chickens, goats, and! He of course loved it! Pictures below will explain more of Friday...but I really was very proud of how well he did, for being such a long day up there!
He really was very good and played well in our "office"...and I use the word loosely...area.
Checking out some of the prizes and smiling for the camera...with snacks in hand (we ate lots of snacks that day to stay happy... :))
Helping daddy bring me some paperwork.
Showing on of the men who helps out his hat...He wanted to make sure everyone was entertained...
We brought the pack-n-play for him to nap in and he would almost go to sleep then pop himself up and find SOMETHING to do to stay awake, so finally I relented and took him out and decided to push him in the stroller for a bit...well a few Cheerios later and a few pushes and this is what happened....didn't even get the last bite in his mouth...
After a good nap and people started cleaning out after the awards, what do you think Kegan wanted to do? Ride the tractor, of course, he remembered it was there from Tuesday...
This little boy's parents were in the same birthing class as Matthew and I...and the two boys were born a week apart. His dad is a FFA teacher, so we see them every year at the livestock show.
Sooo...he let Chance sit up on the tractor with him...but was not too keen on sharing the steering wheel with him.
Playing around with the big kids while we cleaned up...he had a ball, just kicking around a coke bottle...who knew!?!
Helping to clean things up. The child LOVES to sweep, found this little broom, and decided to do a little on the spot cleaning.
Last, but not of my new favorite pictures of Kegan. I just LOVE the grin!!!! :)
Other random pictures from the past couple of weeks:
Helping daddy check the sprinkler at Tynan late one night. Of course Kegan was not too tired to get out of the car and ride a tractor with daddy, though! :)
Hmmm....this is why the majority of my shoes are up on shelves and in boxes...Kegan likes to bring me out "options"...this day he decided I needed all the shoes from the floor of the closet.
Playing around today.
Practicing his hammering skills - although a great and entertaining toy...very loud. He loves it, though.
Even better...combing tractors and the hammering toy. According to Kegan the tractors were all "stuck!"
Other random funnies and updates:
A phrase I forgot to mention in my last update -
"two both" - He and I had a discussion about having two of something or wanting two of something where there were two was to have "both"...well now when he sees or wants 2 of anything it is "two both mommy"...
Potty training: Peepee going great - I still am the main leader in the going potty, but we can run errands around town and go through a day in big boy undies and usually stay dry...yeah!!! Except - going #2, he does NOT want to do this on the potty. He will tell me, "poo-poo mommy", so we rush to the potty and then he does not want to sit, or will sit and nothing will come out. However, a few minutes later..."poopy mommy"...and yep, all in his undies - super...ewww. I have heard this is normal...but I wish we would learn to do this part in the potty, too! Any advise or hints would be gladly accepted! :)
I keep looking at him and just Cherish each moment (even the poopy ones), knowing we are getting to the last few days of just him, Matthew, and I (as Ty is sitting here kicking, hitting, and rolling away in my belly...hehe!). I know life is about to get way crazy for a while...long while...haha... We can't wait to add Ty to the family, though and I just know Kegan is going to make such a great big brother.
Such good pictures! Its crazy how big he has gotten since I saw him last. Glad to hear things are going great for you guys!!
I remember when I was pregnant with you and I would wonder how I could possibly love another daughter like I did Wendy and then you were born - and I couldn't image how we ever lived without you.
Kegan looked like he had a blast at the Show!
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