Progress in Potty Training...
Progress in Pregnancy.....
Progress in Preparations.....
Progress in Potty Training
Kegan continues to be very successful in wearing "big boy underwear" all day long - using a pull-up only at nap time (sometimes which remains dry) and at night! I still have to prompt him, but he is starting to tell me more frequently - the past few days upon waking up in the morning and waking up from his nap, he finds me and tell me "potty mommy" ...even if it is a habit we worked on and not because he has to, I am all for it as a trained potty trigger! :) Now, for the pooping - improvement - not by huge leaps and bounds, but progress is being made. I would say we are 50/50 on going is a start! To top all this progress off - a story from today. This morning, after waking up and going potty, we took off his pull-ups, and because today was school I was going to put him in more pull-ups, but he ran to his room, opened the drawer with his underwear in them, and said "wear underwear". Well, not wanting to discourage the joy and desire to wear his big boy pants and not pull-ups, we put on the undies. I grabbed a pull-up and extra shorts for school - just in case. After Kegan went into class I told one of his teachers about that morning and she said, not a problem, she was keep an eye on him and get him to go after chapel (first morning activity), and then change him into the pull-ups. OK...well when I went to pick him up I asked how he did and she said, "Great! He is still in his underwear!". WOW...I was one pleased mommy. She went on to tell me, he used the potty for them and after lunch, before nap time, she sat him on the toilet and he told her "it's coming"...and out came some poop! Yeah (oh the strange things we get excited about as parents). Anyways, how great - progress progress progress!
Progress in Pregnancy
Monday I went to the doctor and said things were progressing nicely - the baby was in the head down position (the position he needs to be in for birth). Then we set a date - if Ty has not come on his own by February 25th, we will induce on that date. Wow! In a few days it will be February and Ty is defiantly coming in that month - less than a month away - woo-hoo!!!! I go back next Monday for another check-up (I will be going once a week till the baby comes)
Below are some current pictures of my baby bump (taken Saturday) - well it has progressed to more than a "bump" now. :) (Please keep in mind this was at the end of a day of keeping up with Kegan and getting more work done in the boys rooms...soo I do not really look my best, to say the least!)
Bump profile
Straight On
Progress in Preparation
Yes, yes, my mind is a little more at east tonight - progress has been made in Kegan's room, Ty's room and general getting ready for baby preparation stuff!!! :)
First, I want to thank my friends from Stroller Strides for giving such a great shower for Ty and I - great ambiance and super yummy food and wonderful company - and for all the ladies for coming to support us and for giving some great gifts to help better prepare me for Ty's arrival. Below are some pictures (I stole from Sara's website) of most of the ladies who were able to be there that night. Hopefully I can get some more up later.
Progress in Kegan's room - Matthew finished refinishing Kegan's furniture and it looks great! Sooo...last Friday we set it all up in Kegan's room, worked a little more on it Saturday, and by Sunday it was pretty much ready to go and in shape...just a few more things to hang on the walls - phew what a relief. Kegan seems to be enjoying it, and is getting used to his new drawers (he has gone to his old furniture in Ty's room only a few times - and that was over the weekend - but now he seems pretty attached and content with his new furniture. He looks so small in that big bed - my baby boy...another sign he is growing up.
Helping daddy attach the headboard and foot board.
Dragging the "heavy" boards to daddy that go with the bed. pictures, I am working here!
Pushing the mattress into the room. What strong muscles!
Helping daddy put together the side rails. Matthew was pretty impressed with Kegan during this. Kegan took all the poles out of the bag and then proceeded to figure out, on his very own, how to successfully secure one of the side rods into the main rod 0 you had to put it the right way for it to click in correctly and Kegan figured out how to do it!
Working hard...I love that face! to fix this???
Yeah! We did it!
Haha...I don't know what was going on here...but what a face...guilty or innocent - what do you think?
Friday night - not done, but progressing!
Hmm....who was sneaking into the cornbread while Mommy and Daddy worked on Kegan's room? Growing Independence = growing mischievousness ...haha! :)
Well, he had spiky hair, which you can't see, but I thought it was cute none-the-less.
First time to lay in his "big boy bed!"
All smiles and enjoying it!
Progress in Ty's room:
The furniture is in the room and the lady who made Ty's bedding shipped it out on Monday and it is supposed to arrive later this week! Yeah for progress on the room set-up. Progress also made in other areas for Ty preparations. Friday Matthew and James took all the baby stuff and 0-3 month clothes down from the attic. Then, Saturday Mrs. Setliff and Stephani came over and spent all day helping me wash, fold, organize, put away, and hang up baby clothes, toys, blankets, burp rags, bibs, etc.... What a relief to have that done - at least now if Ty comes, he has clean clothes to wear and I know where the stuff is! All that remains is putting on the bedding, putting up the curtains and finishing some decorating detail! Well, maybe a little more of putting things precisely in their place...but still leaps and bounds ahead of where I was a week ago!!! A start in the progress...
Ok - these last pictures have nothing to do with anything...just some cute pictures of Kegan!
Before hopping into the bath one night Kegan decided he wanted to try out a pair of my boots. (The picture has been "censored" due to the fact that Matthew did not want his sons bare buns up on the I blurred them out)
This morning, while eating an oatmeal bar before leaving for school Kegan insisted on having a napkin - ok, he usually likes one so I did not think much of it as I handed him one. I turned, finished the dishes I was cleaning and when I turned back around, this is how HE had set HIMSELF up for breakfast.
A self made place mat...oooooo
What you get when you ask a little boy with a full mouth to smile for the camera :)
Progress Progress Progress - yeah yeah for Progress! :)