Kegan is still going to school every Tuesday and Thursday and still loving it. In fact, if I did not have to show him which tub had his name on it for his back-pack I think I could leave him at the front door and he would be good to go. He knows what he needs to go to school - always reminding me to get his back pack and bag (lunch box). When we get there he wants to carry it all himself, puts it up where it goes, turns and gives me a kiss and I better be ready because he jolts into the classroom after that. This morning he ran in and gave his teachers hugs (awww) and then went to the table where they sit for morning time and said "seat" I am ready to start the day! :)
We have been able to go to the aquarium a few times, too. With the weather being so nice lately it is so pleasant to go and look around. Kegan LOVES the dolphins...and the big shark. He will walk up and down the big tank following the shark around. During the dolphin show, my usually active child, sits or stands and watches the entire thing, clapping and dancing and participating with all the motions. We then proceed to hear stories of splashing dolphins the rest of the day...and week!
Random Updates:
1. He is talking up a storm - much of it understandable... :)
2. I can't remember if this was in my last update but little man can count up to 12 - I have been told this by 2 other people.
3. Kegan is also starting to say his ABCs - he will sing along with me or his Elmo Alphabet video - he doesn't know them all by any means...but he is learning and does join in.
4. As I mentioned a few post earlier Kegan LOVES to sing. Little man still loves the singing and keeps adding more songs...and motions to his repertoire...haha! He is a ham...let me just say that! I will have to video some of his singing and dancing and post it!
5. Kegan can pretty much identify all his colors now and tell you what color he wants to color with, what color shirt he chooses, etc....
6. He is a JUMPING BEAN...wanting to jump off everything. We are on steps...he jumps off the last one. He climbs on benches and jumps off. The type of ground he is walking on changes (ex: grass to concrete) and he jumps...just in case there happens to be a difference in elevation. If he steps off a curb and realizes he could have jumped...he goes back and jumps. Sometimes he just jump and see how high he can go!
7. He loves to cook toast. A conversation we had:
Me - Kegan do you want to help mommy cook?
K - I cook toast...butter...
(meaning I will cook the toast and then spread on the butter...all of which I think he could do all on his own if he could lift the toaster out of the cabinet, climb up the counter and get out the better by himself...he knows where it all is though and knows all the steps to cook his toast. Hmm...will this one day by me a few more winks in the morning???)
Those were just a few things I could think of off the top of my head. He is growing up fast...very fast. It is amazing to watch and see what he catches on to and does day to day!
The past few weeks in pictures:
Doing a little business with his daddy. Haha...
Working on his balancing skills...and oh yes, he loved jumping off this box!
Don't take my ice cream sandwich!
If only he was always this happy running errands with me!
Last weekend our church had a "Wild Game Tasting and Fellowship". We found out Kean really liked duck and dove...who knew!?!
Hamming it up...or licking a little bit of left-over duck off his face...

Put me in coach...I am ready!

They had a pool filled with catfish for the kids to fish out of. Kegan kept trying to reach in after them.
Kegan and Joe (one of our youth who worked for Matthew this summer - Kegan loved his name this summer, because he could say it so easily!)

Hmm...did I miss the pony rides?

Notice the empty dance floor...except Kegan. He was running around, dancing, clapping, stomping...have a great time. (I found out the next day at church he had many admirers from the audience...haha!)
Notice the empty dance floor...except Kegan. He was running around, dancing, clapping, stomping...have a great time. (I found out the next day at church he had many admirers from the audience...haha!)
Gettin' the beat...
Trying his skills at fishing. Grandpa - he still has a bit of work to do. When a little boy across the pool caught a fish and it came up splashing Kegan dropped his rod in the water and ran...hmm...we will have to work on that before we go somewhere where the water is more than 2 feet deep!
Just for grins around the house!

I think my baby brother, Ty is adorable and can not wait to meet him. I already talk to him a lot and give him tons of kisses and love pats through mommy's belly! From what mommy tells me, he is kicking and moving a lot, like I did! We are going to be such great play buddies...I know it!!!
Better yet...let's go ride on a tractor with daddy at the farm!
(I don't know what was up with the serious face?)
Mom...I need some pants, please...
The weather in Corpus has been gorgeous the past few days. This morning it was 44 and still in the lower 50 when we left for school, so Kegan got to wear some winter clothes and I thought he looked so handsome and grown-up sitting on the counter while eating his I took a picture!
"Hello...I would like to show all of you pictures of my baby brother, Tyson Joseph...but I just call him Ty!"
Cute face, Ty
Nice profile shot. Mom said not everyone might be able to tell the direction of this picture, so let me explain. Ty's head is off to the see the profile of his nose and chin...go over a little to the left and you will see his belly and his backbone (lower middle of the picture). Ty's legs then curve up and over, so he kind of looks like he is in a tight ball. I hope this helped you find him.
I think my baby brother, Ty is adorable and can not wait to meet him. I already talk to him a lot and give him tons of kisses and love pats through mommy's belly! From what mommy tells me, he is kicking and moving a lot, like I did! We are going to be such great play buddies...I know it!!!
This past weekend Matthew (and the Gramma and Pampa) watched Kegan while I went and had a reunion with my great friends from TAMU. I had fun ladies and look forward to getting together again! :)