Last Tuesday, April 29th, 2007, at 8:47 am, my dear Poppa passed away, with my Meme and me at his side. I think I am handling things ok, and feeling better...then, tonight, looking through old pictures and sitting down to write about eyes grow wet with tears, again. I miss him dearly, and I am sad that my son will never really get a chance to know my Poppa, except what we tell him, and what he sees in pictures. One thing Kegan will never be able to doubt, when he looks at these pictures one day, and from the stories I will tell him, is that his Poppa loved him SO much. In honor of my Poppa and, if Kegan ever sits down to read any of this, I would like to post the speech I gave about Poppa at the funeral - hopefully one day Kegan will read it and get a small glimpse at who his great-Poppa was.
In figuring out what I wanted to say today, I realized that it was nearly impossible because what I loved most about Papa wasn’t just one big thing, it was a bunch of little things.
First and foremost was his love and priority of God and how he instilled that in his children who in turn instilled that in his grandchildren. I remember when I would come to visit Meme and Poppa seeing them read their Bible every night and them reading to me at night. I also knew that when I would come see my grandparents we would be up at the church one or more times during my visit. Going to church with them, their church friends and parties with their church friends are a large part of my childhood memories of Poppa. My personal favorite, though, as a child, was the senior citizens lunch and game day where we played lots of games, shared lots of laughs…Poppa usually making many of the jokes to get people laughing, and where they were always sure to serve green beans, to which Poppa soon began to and continued to politely decline. Come to think of it, my son usually declines, green beans…perhaps he got that from his Poppa. I hope I can pass down more than that to my son, from his Poppa. I hope to instill the same love and dedication to God in Kegan that I saw in my Poppa. My Poppa was not a theologian, but I knew by the way he lived his life that he loved Christ.
Another thing is how Poppa never knew a stranger. He always had something encouraging or funny to say to everyone he met. Quick trips to the store or bank were never really quick because he would stop and talk to everyone. I specifically remember that after my family moved to Plano I would often fly down to visit my grandparents and I remember many times Poppa had made friends with one or more of the other people waiting at the airport, whom I would have to meet because they had become friends in that short amount of time. When going anywhere he just talked to everyone like he had known them forever, striking up and carrying on a conversation. Even my friends up in Plano saw this trait in him, who after meeting him all soon began to call him Poppa, too.
One of my favorite things about my Poppa was his sense of humor. He was a good joke teller, but I would say his one liners and just his day to day responses to life’s ordinary situations and conversations are what kept me laughing. I want to just share a few of those one liners and funny stories I could remember:
I don’t know who got this saying…well the way it was said really…from who. When I was a little girl My Poppa and I would go back and forth saying, “Riiiight Gail”…”Riiiiight Poppa” – He loved telling me about this between us and always laughed while telling me the story.
When he liked something he would say it was “cooool”…just like the kids said.
He would always comment on my “kicks”…his word for shoes when talking to me.
When asking Poppa, “How are you doing”: I am going about half speed…or I am going full speed today
There is one story I always laugh at that I remember hearing since I was a little girl: My mom asked my Poppa on the day of her wedding, “What should I call you now?” Poppa’s reply, “How about Grandpa in about 9mths.”
When I was rather young I was piddling around in the bathroom and Poppa told me to shake a leg, so I came out shaking a leg.
One of the fondest groups of memories I have is from a trip that Meme and Poppa took me on when I was around 11 or 12. We took a trip around the south western United States. Poppa had run out of chap stick…which he always had with him…so I let him borrow mine. I did not mention that there was a slight red tint to it and he proceeded to generously apply the chap stick to his lips and surrounding areas till he looked a little like a clown…did he take it off when Meme and I started laughing…no way, he joined in with laughing and kept it on…even borrowing it again till he could get some more.
There are many, many more that could be told. I wish I could remember them all, but when it is happening you don’t think to remember it, because you are just enjoying the moment.
Finally, he loved his family and loved having his family around him. I’m sure that his friends can attest to the fact that he also loved talking about his family. And once the great grandchildren came along, everyone, strangers and friends alike, were subjected to photo after photo and story after story about them. For that, we collectively apologize and promise not to show anymore pictures unless requested. But seriously, Poppa always provided ways for the family to be together, whether it be at Lake Water Wheel, cruises for his sons and their wives, or for everyone to get together at the Beach House in Galveston…or even just time together at his house. Some great memories are the simple ones of me going fishing with Poppa, his and my special dinner dates at CiCi’s, spending Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Meme and Poppa at our house, or of Meme, Poppa and I sitting around the kitchen table playing games and just laughing and making memories.
I loved my Poppa, and I loved spending time with him. I am sad today for the loss of my Poppa, but I can stand here with joy, too, because I know my time with him is not over. I will see him again, one day, in Heaven.
I do want to point out that before I got up there to speak, my grandparent's pastor and my Uncle Danny spoke and we basically all said the same points about his CHARACTER. As I sat there and listened I thought, "Wow, this man truly was a man of consistent character, in different places in his life, both physically and through the generations."
Little Buddy - I hope you work hard in life like your great-Poppa, but that you also can laugh through and enjoy life, like him, too. I pray your daddy and I can pass down, from all your great grandparents, and grandparents alike, a love for Christ, and that you too will share in a personal relationship with Him one day.
Your Poppa loved you!
(sorry it is flipped)
First visit to meet his grandson
Poppa didn't want to put you down...not even to let your daddy hold you! :)
Poppa, Meme and Kegan
Another trip they made down, to see you! He loved to see you and even here you "talking" over the phone.
Poppa making you laugh!
Feeding you your bottle...with a grin on his face!
Slaven Family trip to the Galveston Beach House!
October 2007 - (A month before he goes into the hospital)
So peaceful in Poppa's arms...
Trips to see Poppa, once he is out of the hospital and staying at home.
You were never afraid to crawl right up there in bed, and sit with him, or lay down beside him for a while. What joy you brought him on our visits!
One of my favorite pictures of y'all...last one of you two sitting and smiling, together. It will always be precious to me...
Kissing Poppa good-bye. It was like you knew this would be the last time you would be able to talk to him and "tell" him you loved him. You went beside his bed and indicated that you wanted Meme put you up there. You crawled right over to him, kissed Poppa face, gave him a hug, and crawled knew to say good-bye.
Bye-bye Poppa...we will see you in Heaven one day!
The week of his passing was full of lots of ups and downs in emotions. The tears flowed as we missed our Poppa, but there was also a lot of laughter...the family was together, doing what Poppa loved for his family to do...enjoy each other. I wish I could post some of the pictures from that week...and this one, BUT...I left my camera docking station at my grandparent's house, so I will have to wait till it comes in the mail...hopefully soon.
Oh Gail. I'm so sorry. We will be praying for your family. I loved reading about your Poppa - he was an amazing man.
Gail, just like I told Wendy, you guys are so amazing to know so much about your grandfather's life. Your tribute to him is beautiful and Kegan will always know how special he is.
Gail I'm so sorry to hear about your Poppa. I know you were close to him. I'm so glad that Kegan got to know him and love him too.
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