Well, it has been long...again...since my last post. Kegan has just been a very busy boy. He continues to grow and learn. I love to hear him attempt more new words...and make up his own words for things he is not sure how to say. He keeps me laughing. I think my Grandma said it best while we were sitting around the breakfast table...she said we all need to laugh so many times during the day and she thinks Kegan would get out her minimum laugh amount just at breakfast...the kid is a total character...FULL of personality!
I will start back a few weeks ago - Wednesday, April 9. Before heading up to Pasadena and Wharton Matthew wanted me to get my tires rotated...Kegan in a shop full of tires...he had a blast!
(This is completely out of order, but I liked it and I just thought this was a great picture of one of his many facial expressions)
Back to Wednesday: Stacy and August came over that afternoon so the boys could play. We took them on a trip around the block in a wagon and I found out I had a very sneaky little boy. Do you see the tray behind Kegan, well I had put Gus's sippie cup back there and we were walking and I looked back and Gus had his sippie in his hand. We asked how he got it and he pointed straight to Kegan. Then at different points during the trip we would look back at them in the wagon and Kegan would have other things - my water bottle, his sippie, my camera !, that he had reached back and moved his hand around till he felt something and brought it up...what a stinker!
Thursday morning...after Kegan played while I loaded up the car we headed off to Pasadena. What's up!?
We got to Meme and Poppa's and stayed there through the night till Friday after lunch. It was a nice visit - but hard. My Poppa's health is getting worse and he couldn't really interact with Kegan at all...but that did not keep my sweet son from trying. Kegan would take his favorite blanket over to Poppa's bed and put it up there for him...he would take toys over to show Poppa...he would walk into the room, as if to check on Poppa, go over to the bed, say Poppa, and look at him...then...my favorite: He crawled up on the stool by Poppa's bed and pointed on the bed like he wanted up, so we put him up there, he crawled over to Poppa and gave him a sweet little hug and kiss - it touched my heart!
This was the exercises equipment for Poppa...Kegan carried it around quite a bit and played with it. I don't know why...he just seemed to enjoy it!
Meme made a good lunch for us on Friday. Kegan's favorite - the corn! No kidding - he ate that ear clean...then half of another one (the same size)...right off the cobb.
We made it to Wharton that afternoon and after visiting for a while Kegan was ready to go out and play in the yard. Which was great...then he spotted a "tractor" (a gator like thing) across the street and insisted on going - seriously he kept pointing and repeating "tractor". Luckily grandma new those neighbors and they were happy to let Kegan sit up in the seat for a while. I did not have my camera...so no pictures. Here are some pictures of us in the back yard.
Mommy and Kegan. Great smiles...huh!?!
Kegan LOVED this windsock and would go round and round after it, as it blew...
Pappa came out, after he got home, and put Kegan on the big kid swing...and boy was Kegan EXCITED!
Grams, Aunt Wendy and Karsyn did not get in till WAY past Kegan's bed time so Kegan saw Grams for the first time the next morning when he woke up. He enjoyed seeing her...and sharing her bowl of cereal.
Grams and her two grandbabies...everyone is happy!

We always talk about how big Kegan's hands are...here they are compared to Karsyn's...a slight difference...haha!

We always talk about how big Kegan's hands are...here they are compared to Karsyn's...a slight difference...haha!
Later that morning we went and had the kids pictures taken (more to come on that in another post) and then headed off to our cousin's baby shower. I just thought this picture was cute - the two of them with their great-grandparents!

After the shower we headed to my cousin, Lynne's house, to take some pictures in the bluebonnets.
After the shower we headed to my cousin, Lynne's house, to take some pictures in the bluebonnets.
Oh...we were getting bored and fussy UNTIL...they brought out the John Deere...then life could not be better...clearly!
Sunday we headed home...Kegan's daddy was not there (he was in the fields), but daddy's hat was....I think this picture is just adorable!
Kegan loves to climb up the back of his slide...sit down...turn around...and then slide down on his belly. This offers minutes and minutes (and that his alot for his attention span) of entertainment.

My parents were coming down the next weekend and Matthew and I had to do some prep-work on the back yard before they got here. (My birthday wish from them was for them to come down - mom watch Kegan and dad help my put in flower beds in the back.)
My parents were coming down the next weekend and Matthew and I had to do some prep-work on the back yard before they got here. (My birthday wish from them was for them to come down - mom watch Kegan and dad help my put in flower beds in the back.)
Helping mom and dad on their trip to Home Depot.
This is what I saw when I turned around after waiting for them to return with a cart for the fence post. The people in the store were all laughing. It was better before I got out my camera...Kegan was grinning from ear to ear and his hair was blowing in the breeze...so funny!
We got our supplies...so the next day we all hung out in the back yard...Kegan found that the dog's water bowl was a perfect fit for him!
Yep...he is taking a drink, with the dog...like the dog. (This is what happens when you turn your back for 2 seconds!)

He played and he played and he played in the water for ever!!!
He played and he played and he played in the water for ever!!!
He saw it once...and now he knows exactly where and how to get the water going. (He picks up on this very quickly, in general. What a smart boy...of course, I am the mom!)
What's a little guy to do to entertain Grams while mom, dad, and grandpa work on the flower beds...show her how much fun it is to play in the water!
Kegan was really loving his puppies on Saturday.
Oh...more water play...this time, there is mud involved!

Mom is cleaning off his feet! He liked the water squirting on his toes!
Mom is cleaning off his feet! He liked the water squirting on his toes!
Helping Grandpa water the tree. Seriously, Kegan was playing with the hose and we told him to take it to Grandpa, so Kegan did and Grandpa showed him how to water the tree.
When Matthew came home he FINALLY hung Kegan's swing...well we quickly realized we were goind to need some chain to make the swing a little lower! (His feet were at my eye level when I stood infront of him.) Kegan really did not seem to mind being that high up. In fact, after the swing was hung (with the chains) he wanted to spend most of his time swinging in it. He LOVES his swing...which is good because it keep him happy while I water the plants in the back.
Sunday afternoon: After church and lunch we came back and got back to work.
I just thought this was funny. (The shirt "I make dirt look good" - thank you Aunt Wendy - it is VER Y appropriate for Kegan!)

Helping to pus the soil around the new plants.
Helping to pus the soil around the new plants.
1. Take it out of the bucket
Such hard work...having to climb over all these obsticles!

Oh...this next progression is sad. It all started good. Kegan was helping mommy put some water in a hole we were about to drop a plant in.
Oh...this next progression is sad. It all started good. Kegan was helping mommy put some water in a hole we were about to drop a plant in.
He was ok...just scared.
After that little trama...the rest of the afternoon and evening went great and we finished. I thought I had some pictures of the yard...but I don't, so I will need to take those and upload them. I think it looks really nice!
Monday or Tuesday afternoon Kegan realized he could climb into his wagon, on his own. It was so sweet, he put his John Deere ABC book in the wagon, climb up and in, then sat down and read...very contently for quite a while (long enough for me to get lunch ready). Ohh...doesn't he look so peaceful....

Helping Mom sweep. He loves to push the broom around...hmmm...I wonder if he will still like to do that when he could really be some help...haha...
Helping Mom sweep. He loves to push the broom around...hmmm...I wonder if he will still like to do that when he could really be some help...haha...
We are back to today...with these crazy boys at our house. It does make me think - this time that I have with Kegan now, is going to go by so fast...and sooner than I think...he is going to be some crazy boy...at someone else's house...doing crazy boy things. A good reminder to charrish these moments!