After a good nap we all went riding around the farms with Grandpa. Kegan has on his John Deere hat and is ready to go! Grandpa then treated Matthew, Kegan, and I to lunch. Well, Kegan had his own special lunch of pureed food...but he did share some ice cream with his Grandpa. Now...what part of lunch do you think Kegan liked most?!?

Saturday night Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Stephani and Uncle Josh, and even Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Kyle came over to the house to help celebrate Matthew's birthday. Now, I know the evening was supposed to be about Matthew...but who do you think got most of the attention...Kegan ate it ALL UP!
Saturday night Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Stephani and Uncle Josh, and even Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Kyle came over to the house to help celebrate Matthew's birthday. Now, I know the evening was supposed to be about Matthew...but who do you think got most of the attention...Kegan ate it ALL UP!
Daddy, Kegan, and Mommy at dinner. Doesn't he look like such a big boy joining us for dinner around the table? (Kegan had actually already eaten his meal he just sat there and ate puffs...or whatever he could get his daddy to sneak him from the table.) Doesn't Kegan look like he is giving a goofy grin in this picture?
Daddy and Kegan. Rando -Doesn't Kegan look real tan in this picture? All those swim lessons gave Kegan a nice hint of color.
For dessert we did not have a traditional cake, but rather some banana pudding...which Kegan enjoyed sharing. In the picture below Kegan has some pudding on his chin and the face you see being made (squinched up nose) is his, "I want some food, please...and by please I mean NOW!" It is really quite funny. I will try to catch it on tape some time.
Ok...sorry the next picture is sideways, but I showing it to show the green sheet of paper - Kegan wrote 'Dad"...sort of. I held his hand and made it move, while he held the crayon...close to writing it though...right!?! Kegan also decorated his daddy's bag with this footprints.
Sunday was a good day at church, and like always the nursery ladies bounced out of their seats and rushed over to see who could grab Kegan first. It is so funny to watch those ladies. They literally race over and if one gets Kegan first the other one stands behind her and talks to Kegan and starts playing with him. That little man is such a charmer! After church we went over to the Setliff's to spend more time with Kyle and Lindsay and the rest of the family...Kegan went over to get spoiled some more...haha.
This week we have just been running arrends and getting some things done around the house and yard.
Monday, Kegan did get in some great playtime. Here Kegan had taken the majority of his toys out of one of his toy baskets and then rolled his head in the basket while he was playing - so funny - he was content as could be.
I also got out this bird that flaps it's wings, jumps around, and moves it's beak while it sings, "If Your Happy and You Know It..." and Kegan seem very mesmerized by it. He just sat and stared at it at first then he reached out and grabbed the flapping wing and then went for the whole bird. After a while Kegan even started flapping his wings. I had a good laugh from it. Here are two pictures and 2 video clips of Kegan with this bird! The lighting on one video is better than the other, but they are both funny.
Wednesday morning Kegan joined his mom and dad at floral nursery as we chose some new flora for our front yard. Kegan did such a good job and just looked around at all the flowers - did not fuss a bit! Kegan and I then went to get my oil changed - once again, he did not fuss a bit for the entire hour we were waiting for my car to finish. We just played and he stayed content and happy till the last few minutes, then a new person walked by and waved, and Kegan turned up the charm...again. He is already such a flirt. Finally, poor guy had to wait again while I was getting my car inspected and he made more fans as he sat there and giggled while we played. For what could have been a LONG day he did WONDERFUL!
Today, we played around the house some and waited for some men to come put new grass in our yard. Once that was done, we of course had to go out and sit in it...and play in some of the water being used to water the grass. Needless to say, by then end of all that, we just stripped him down and hosed him off. Kegan loved it!
Look at those dirty feet...

...and that dirty seat!

Right before he got stripped down. He has grass on the face to prove he had been working hard.
...and that dirty seat!
Right before he got stripped down. He has grass on the face to prove he had been working hard.
One last bit of new news from today. We were sitting on the floor in the living room playing and I had placed my water bottle up on the coffee table. Kegan spotted it and decided he wanted some and he pulled himself up to his knees. Sooo...he is not yet crawling...but he is starting to try and pull up on more things (he has been grabbing on to me and pulling up for a while, but never onto a table.)
1 comment:
Great write-up. But the videos are the best. I had to laugh out loud. He was so funny flapping his arms like the bird's wings. Got some good pictures to download for my computer screen, too.
Can't wait until Monday!!
Love, Grams
I hear Dad playing the videos now and laughing.
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