Snack time. Look at the big boy in his chair! Kegan enjoys kicking the tray on his highchair, while he sits in it - never still...he does not like to be still at all.
Tuesday was the first day of swim lessons and Kegan's tooth finally cute through!!!! Yea! He now officially has two bottom teeth.
Here Kegan is greased down and ready for swim lessons - he looks thrilled doesn't he?! Actually, he really enjoys his lessons. Kegan loves being in the water and gets excited and starts flapping his arms when we go into the pool area. Our friends Stacy (the mom) and Gus (the little boy a 6 weeks younger than Kegan) are in the class with us, so the boys enjoy splashing and watching each other splash.
On day one we worked on blowing bubbles and doing a superman float (I hold him under his arms and he would float, belly down. (Most of the stuff we are learning is really just to teach me things to work with him on, more so than him really learning to swim.)
Later that day Kegan and I were headed off, but first, he had a snack. He finally got the hang of his biter biscuit. He ate it instead of using it as a drum stick to hit on everything. He actually ended up finishing the entire thing...although I think the majority of it had dissolved on his hands, face and bib - he was a nice big mess to clean up! hehe...
Wednesday morning he woke up a little sick so he took it easy most of the morning, got in an extra nap and woke up ready to go to swim lessons. On day 2 the class worked on kicking. For anyone who has held or seen Kegan you already know he aced this part of class. Kegan loves to kick so this just came very natural to him. I guess all that kicking wore him and his friend Gus out. We had not even left the parking spot and they were both OUT!
Thursday, the kids got to sit on these things they call lilly pads, while we would hold them, count and then pick them up and bring them into the water (I think to simulate jumping) and move them around in a superman float. Kegan was not to sure about this the first few times we tried it, but he got better. That night we took dinner out to the guys harvesting in the fields. Notice the picture below - I was asked to back up the car, but to leave Kegan with daddy. Matthew loves having Kegan out there. (You are looking at a combine (left) and a tractor with a grain buggy on the back of it (right).)
Mommy is back up near everyone (sorry it is so dark). Kegan was just enjoying being out there watching the machines run. It was so cute - so Matthew told me - when they started up the combine and the engine started roaring and the black puff of smoke came shooting out of the exhaust at the top, Kegan started bouncing in his daddy's arms, and flapping his arms and grinning with his mouth wide open - too cute!!!
Today, in swim lessons we reviewed the week and I found out what Kegan likes to do best on the lilly pads - sit and have the water splashed around him while he observes everything going on in the pool. I will try to get some pictures at the pool next week.
Crawling update: Kegan now will lunge forward, lift his booty...but he can't catch himself on his hands yet and will usually fall forward. Other times he will try to grab something but can't figure out what to do with this feet below him and gets stuck. He is trying and I can tell he is getting closer and closer to crawling.
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