Friday, July 27, 2007

Wow What a Wednesday...Thursday...and now Friday

It was a wet week - not good for the fields - but it was a fun one to - Matthew got to spend extra time with Kegan! It poured on Wednesday so Matthew met Kegan and I as we were leaving our last swim lesson and went home with us to spend some extra time with his son! As you can see below both Kegan and Matthew were enjoying playing in the sprinkling rain.
Daddy and son playing in the rain.

Matthew brought Kegan under the porch to watch the water pour off the roof...and stick Kegan's head under the water. Kegan seemed to really be enjoying getting wet and investigating the rain coming down.

Wednesday night we all got to go to our first circus as a family. It was SO much fun. Kegan loved all the lights and all the movement and action going on down on the floor. He stayed awake and fixed on the "show" from 7:30 till we left at 10:00. He only cried once really - it was after intermission during the tiger act. I think the music startled him. The tears were nothing a little bit of cotton candy couldn't handle though...his second time to have cotton candy. He loved it!!! (I think the cotton candy helped him stay awake and ACTIVE till the 10:00 circus ending. The other babies around us that were about his age were all zonked out. we know what sugar does to him! It was a lot of fun though - it was neat to look at his eyes and see them follow the "acts" around the circus ring - so cool that he can be that observant now. There were times however, that he was a little more interested in the lights flashing on the ceiling, but he stayed very entertained none the less! (Now you will notice in these pictures it looks like daddy and Kegan went alone to the circus...but I am in one picture to prove mom went to!)
Kegan and daddy in the rain headed toward the circus.

This is Kegan, fixated on the opening act (in the picture following), but as you can see, with all those lights, why wouldn't he be fascinated!?!

Proof mom was at the circus, too. Kegan was more interested in what was going on in front of us during the intermission...

Here Kegan is playing and talking with one of his other friends, Luke, that went to the circus, also. Aren't they cute!

The show is back on - this time the elephants are performing. He looks like he is really studying what is happening down below.

One souvenir - a hat came with the sugary cotton candy treat we ate! He was not as into the hat as he was the bagged food in it. (Notice the time - 9:49 and not a bit tired!)

Thursday was another rainy day, but another day to get to spend a little extra time with his daddy. We all went and ate then came home and played some. Matthew took these pictures of Kegan standing while I was holding his hands. Kegan was laughing and having a blast. What a great happy smile!!!

Hey dad, what are you doing so far down there?

This picture is kind of blurry, but it shows how close Kegan is to crawling. He is getting better with his stance...he is just not quite sure how to move once he is in position.

Finally, here are some pictures from today(Friday) - this is in honor of all you Aggies out there! Doesn't he look good in all that maroon!?! Do we have a future Aggie here...I don't know!?!

I don't remember what day this was - but it was some time this week. I started taping because Kegan had "thrown" the ball one time and Roo got it and brought it back to him - too cute. I wanted to catch it on tape so I started rolling...what I got though was a great clip of Kegan getting in his crawling stance and trying to move forward to grab Roo's toy. So neat!!! I was very excited - as the commentary will show...haha!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Weekend with His Granparents and More GREAT videos!

These first 2 videos were taken last week. The first one is to show Kegan picking up his food and feeding himself puffs - we have been working on it and he finally is getting to where he is very good at it. How cool it was to watch this skill develop. I would say he is even better this week. I usually give him some puffs on his tray to pick up and eat while I get the rest of his meal ready - he gobbles them up. Then, if I am not ready yet, he will tap on his tray as if to say (not always with the best manners_ "More puffs, please!" He will even do it while I am feeding him, so I will give him some and let him feed himself, then we go back to the baby food. I have tried different soft fruits, but I think they are a bit slippery for his hands, so we are still working on that!

This next video actually started one morning we had Kegan on our bed playing with him and I was trying to get him sucking his toes, but he decided not to do that, but rather, fuss a bit, roll over, lift his tush in the air, roll, and fuss. Anyways, I included it to show how well he is lifting his back end up now...hmmm...if only we could get the back and front up at the same time!

On Friday, I left to go see some college friends for the weekend, and Matthew was working and planned on working all weekend, so Kegan went over to spend the weekend with his Grandparents! (and get thoroughly spoiled I am sure) I do not have pictures to post from the weekend, but from what I heard and the pictures I saw on the Setliff's camera, it looked like he had a fun time. On Saturday, Kegan was up bright and early with this Grandma and enjoyed playing and watching the doggie outside. That afternoon he went to go get family pictures taken for the church directory, with the Setliffs. (Matthew, Kegan, and I had gone on Wednesday - Kegan did a Wonderful job and shared LOTS of smiles!!!) Back to Saturday, well, the Setliffs took their picture for the directory and then Kegan got to join them for a few special pictures they wanted to take extra, with him. His Grandma had even bought him a new little outfit for the pictures. The photographer remembered Kegan from Wednesday - especially when he raised his little eyebrow - a VERY KEGAN TRAIT! I thought that was pretty special though, all the people the photographer had taken pictures of and he remembered Kegan!!! Saturday night, Matthew went over (after working at the barn all day) to spend time with his son. They swang some in the bag yard (KEGAN LOVES TO SWING) and then shared a Popsicle - both boys ended up red faced and sticky - the pictures I saw on the Setliffs camera were funny! Sunday afternoon I made it home to a long napping little boy - he must have played hard!

This week has started off good. Yesterday I tried to give him a little cheese to pick up and eat. Here is a video of that. (excuse the goofy commentary)

Today we went to one of our swimming lessons make up classes and once again Kegan loved the water. The babies practiced floating today and Kegan was a pro at it (we kept our hands loosely under them to help) - he seemed to enjoy the floating. Oh yes, he also blew bubbles in the water 2 times today (a skill we work on), but I think it was merely coincidence more so than anything else, but I was excited for him! One more funny story - Kegan and I were riding around with Haley and William today and all of a sudden we heard William start to fuss and when Haley looked back -Kegan had taken William's sippie cup and was drinking from it - Kegan LOVED Williams juice. No way will he want water from me now - oh man. Oh yes, Karsyn, be careful it looks like Kegan may now be able to take your pacifier from you - uh oh! Hahaha...

Tomorrow should be fun - Kegan is going to go to his first circus - hopefully - if it is not too loud and we have to walk out in the hallway because he is crying. We shall see. I will try to take pictures while we are there to post!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Trying a video

These are all old videos - still very cute and worth watching, though - but that is just the mom talking...hehe.... I am just trying to see if I have figured out how to post them.

Daddy making Kegan laugh!

Trying unsuccesfully to get Kegan to he rolls like a champ!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Fun Weekend

Friday night Kegan and Mommy took dinner out to the guys all working on harvest in the fields. We stood outside the car for a while, but when the mosquitoes started to attack Kegan and I headed back into the car. Kegan, however, does not like to just sit in his car seat, if the car is not moving, so we hung out in the front together. I don't remember why we ended up with me in the passenger's seat and him in the driver's seat, but we did and he seemed to enjoy sitting in the driver's seat.

Saturday morning Kegan and I headed off to Wharton. When we got to my grandparent's house there was an entire crew there - my Grandma and Pappa, my Grandma's brother, Uncle George, my Aunt Betsey, Lynne and two of her girls, Tori and Julianne, Grams, and Karsyn (Wendy had to stay in Houston to work). Wow - what a group to play with and keep Kegan entertained all day! Below is a picture of Kegan with Tori. (There was so much going on he was a bit too distracted to look at the camera.)

Julianne loved both of the babies so much and wanted to help with them on everything - even stinky diapers. She was so cute to watch with the babies - she would give them toys to play with, rock with them in Pappa'a big recliner, help change their diapers, and even fed both babies. Below is a picture of her feeding Kegan. It was so cute. She would put a little bit on the spoon and then take it up to his mouth, then if any fell she would take the spoon and use it to wipe up what was falling out. Julianne did make the comment, however, that Karsyn was a lot easier to feed than Kegan. I think Kegan's head was moving to much (looking from side to side). Either way, she did great and Kegan had a full belly when all was said an done. Notice Kegan still is a messy eater and gets his food all over his face!

If you noticed when you read the list of people at my Grandma and Pappa's house you might have noticed there were not too many men on the list. Only three - that includes Kegan. Below is a picture of the three lone men sitting around the table (Pappa is holding Kegan and Uncle George - Kegan's great great Uncle) is sitting on the end.

With all those people there was lots of playtime all day long. Karsyn and Kegan were cute to watch interact. In the past she could take a toy from him and he wouldn't really care, but now he is learning that just because he does not have it anymore, doesn't mean it is not there, so when she took something away from him, he would lean forward and take it right back - gatherings should be getting more and more interesting - those two cousins will be learning a lot about sharing. I think he is going to have to learn to crawl though, if he really wants to have a chance at getting to toys first.
Now, what is a Gram's to do when she has two young grand babies??? Share her love with both of course!
Grams was holding Kegan, but Karsyn wanted in on the love sooo...
everyone shared a big hug!

Kegan really had a good time and was played out by the time we left around 8 - he fell asleep in the car and did not wake up till the next morning at his regular wake up time.

Sunday morning we went to church and them drove around the farm some and went to eat with the Setliff's and some friends of theirs. What a great weekend of grandparent time.

It rained Monday so Kegan got a nice surprise - extra time on Monday night with his daddy. Now, Kegan has been fascinated with all the tractors he sees in his room and the one on the mantle since going out to the farm these past few weeks, so last night Matthew got down the big tractor from the mantle and he and Kegan played with it on the floor. It was neat to watch - Kegan loved watching it role and would even reach his hands out and push it back and forth.

Here some pictures of Kegan sucking on his big - I believe I had mentioned that this was his new trick. It is so funny. He sucks on it when he is sitting up and bends over or he will suck on it while laying on his back and he brings his foot to his mouth. would think he could crawl with that sort of flexibly and skill...but crawling yet. We will just have to wait and see when he decides it is time for him to move .
Going for it - bringing the foot to the mouth.
Success - the big toe is in the mouth.

Friday, July 13, 2007

First week of swim lessons and a little more

The first day of swim lessons were not till Tuesday, so Monday Kegan and mommy ran some errands and played around the house. Below are some pictures of Kegan and how I found him after a nap on Monday. That little keyboard has been in his crib for a few months now and he finally noticed it and now frequently rolls down to play with it when he wakes up. I thought the pictures were cute - the second one looks like he is saying, "Oh! I have been caught!" The pictures also give you a good perspective on how big he is getting...too fast...too too fast!

Snack time. Look at the big boy in his chair! Kegan enjoys kicking the tray on his highchair, while he sits in it - never still...he does not like to be still at all.
Tuesday was the first day of swim lessons and Kegan's tooth finally cute through!!!! Yea! He now officially has two bottom teeth.
Here Kegan is greased down and ready for swim lessons - he looks thrilled doesn't he?! Actually, he really enjoys his lessons. Kegan loves being in the water and gets excited and starts flapping his arms when we go into the pool area. Our friends Stacy (the mom) and Gus (the little boy a 6 weeks younger than Kegan) are in the class with us, so the boys enjoy splashing and watching each other splash.
On day one we worked on blowing bubbles and doing a superman float (I hold him under his arms and he would float, belly down. (Most of the stuff we are learning is really just to teach me things to work with him on, more so than him really learning to swim.)

Later that day Kegan and I were headed off, but first, he had a snack. He finally got the hang of his biter biscuit. He ate it instead of using it as a drum stick to hit on everything. He actually ended up finishing the entire thing...although I think the majority of it had dissolved on his hands, face and bib - he was a nice big mess to clean up! hehe...

Wednesday morning he woke up a little sick so he took it easy most of the morning, got in an extra nap and woke up ready to go to swim lessons. On day 2 the class worked on kicking. For anyone who has held or seen Kegan you already know he aced this part of class. Kegan loves to kick so this just came very natural to him. I guess all that kicking wore him and his friend Gus out. We had not even left the parking spot and they were both OUT!

Thursday, the kids got to sit on these things they call lilly pads, while we would hold them, count and then pick them up and bring them into the water (I think to simulate jumping) and move them around in a superman float. Kegan was not to sure about this the first few times we tried it, but he got better. That night we took dinner out to the guys harvesting in the fields. Notice the picture below - I was asked to back up the car, but to leave Kegan with daddy. Matthew loves having Kegan out there. (You are looking at a combine (left) and a tractor with a grain buggy on the back of it (right).)

Mommy is back up near everyone (sorry it is so dark). Kegan was just enjoying being out there watching the machines run. It was so cute - so Matthew told me - when they started up the combine and the engine started roaring and the black puff of smoke came shooting out of the exhaust at the top, Kegan started bouncing in his daddy's arms, and flapping his arms and grinning with his mouth wide open - too cute!!!

Today, in swim lessons we reviewed the week and I found out what Kegan likes to do best on the lilly pads - sit and have the water splashed around him while he observes everything going on in the pool. I will try to get some pictures at the pool next week.
Crawling update: Kegan now will lunge forward, lift his booty...but he can't catch himself on his hands yet and will usually fall forward. Other times he will try to grab something but can't figure out what to do with this feet below him and gets stuck. He is trying and I can tell he is getting closer and closer to crawling.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Weekend Update

With the rain still falling Kegan and I spent a lot of Friday and Saturday in doors...but we did manage to get out for a few things when the rain subsided a little.

Friday afternoon Kegan and I went to have lunch with Matthew. While we were headed home Matthew called and asked if we could go and pick him up some parts for one of his tractors, so Kegan and I set off to Taft. Once we were there, we went inside and found Kegan's Grandpa. Needless to say, I did not hold Kegan anymore for the duration of our visit to the store. Mr. Setliff walked all around the store holding Kegan and showing him off to everyone - I don't know who was more happy and entertained...Kegan or Kegan's Grandpa. Below is a picture of Kegan hanging out with his Grandpa in Grandpa's office.

Saturday morning was nice, so we took the opportunity to get out of the house and went strolling for a while - Kegan loves being outside! It did cloud up and begin to rain again, so we spent most of the late morning and afternoon inside just playing around and me taking way too many pictures. (You know when a child has had too many pictures taken when you are trying to get a candid shot, but every time he sees the flash going off...he turns and looks at the camera.)
Here I was trying to catch him eating a puff with his fingers, but as long as I was taking pictures he was not too concerned about getting that little puff to his mouth - see he even has his mouth open and hand up, with the food in it...but the camera was going off so he turned and looked. Silly boy!
This next picture I just think is so cute of his little chubby cheeks and big, beautiful eyes (that still have not seemed to choose a color). There is still a little sweet potato and chicken left on his mouth and chin - yummy!
After lunch we went into Kegan's room to play some. Here is is chewing - he chews on everything - his second tooth is starting to push through so everything goes straight to the gums. We also listened to one of his baby music CDs...he laughs at his mommy following along with the motions to the songs. It is so much fun to play with him. He will just start giggling. His whole body gets into the glee when he starts laughing (jumping and laughing and squinching up his face - too cute! I can not wait till he starts attempting the motions - video video video!!!
Have you ever seen such determination to chew.
Reach for the toy...reach for it...and pull...
Whoops!...pull too hard and it all comes crashing down.
I mentioned we have a second tooth starting to bud. Here is the best picture I could get of his gums. He was not happy to let mommy take this. The more I tried to get the picture, the more he tried to hide his tooth. You can see the one he has, really well. However, the picture is too blurry to see the new one trying to push through.
Is there anything better to do than watch the rainfall? Just one thing - watching the rain fall outside surrounded by all your favorite toys! He enjoyed the rain and every time it would thunder he would make his mouth in the shape of an "O" and start looking all around the room.
That evening we all had dinner with the Setliff's and took Kegan to his first Baseball game. I forgot my camera (can you imagine) so we stopped and picked up a disposable one (all the pictures were used up that night...ha!). I will have to get them put on a CD and I will then post them - they are going to be too cute to not put up!
We went to eat at the Crazy Cajun - Kegan gnawed on a corn cob (all the corn was off) and loved it. I guess it was a good texture on his gums...with a hint of spice and flavor. After eating we all headed to the ballpark. Kegan was entertained by everything and everyone. He just looked and looked around at all the lights and people. He did really good and cried twice - once at a man who talked to him (the poor man felt so bad) and a second time when the Hook (our team) had a great play and there was lots of loud music and cheering. Otherwise he stayed awake the whole time just enjoying himself. His grandpa also bought him a Popsicle. Kegan was red all over...but very happy.
Sunday we went to church and to eat. He spent the afternoon with his grandparents while Matthew and I got some stuff done around the house, before Matthew has to start back to harvest. His grandma told me Kegan swang a little, played a little, slept some, and ate A LOT!
He had a good weekend and we are looking forward to the rest of this week - tomorrow we go to our first swim lesson. It should be fun!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

First Harvest

This past weekend Matthew started to harvest his grain, so Kegan went out on Friday and got to be apart of his first...I am sure of many...harvest. He was so fascinated with everything going on and just looked around at the tractors, the combine (the tractor that is used to harvest the grain), and he loved looking at all the stalks of grain...especially the ones that had been cut.

Kegan and his daddy are up...way way up...on the combine and ready to go!
Daddy and Kegan sitting in the cab.
Who's ready to drive? Kegan loved looking out the big windows, down on all the grain. He kept squealing, flapping his arms, and bouncing up and down. I think this is a sweet picture - one day I am sure we will have a picture of him "really" driving a combine...I wonder if he will have the same look of awe and excitement!?!
Kegan with his mommy and daddy standing in front of the combine...Kegan is too busy looking around to worry about the camera! (ha)

That night we also drove around with the Setliff's and looked at Matthew's cotton.
I like his expression here - "Mom. Dad. Do you see me? Grandpa is letting me drive!" (Kegan loved standing at the steering wheel and holding on to it and playing. He did learn...well by mere accident to honk the horn.

Father and son looking at a cotton plant in one of Matthew's fields. Kegan enjoyed yanking on the leaves and trying to tear them off ! :)
Below are a few (out of 103) of the pictures from Kegan and Karsyn's last photo session, from while we were in Galveston.
You will notice both of their outfit changes matched. Personally, I think it is too cute...but I know in about 13 or so years...Kegan will probably not be agreeing with me...haha...oh well...for now they look like 2 adorable cousins!
For those of you who have not seen Kegan...or have not seen him in a while...this is one of Kegan's many facial expressions he makes when he is laughing - he scrunches up his nose and smiles - I love it!!
I'm ready for my close up!
Cousin Karsyn - Isn't she beautiful. Gorgeous eyes!!!
Profile shot. He looks like such a little boy here - and not a baby anymore...tear...
We all (mom, Wendy, and I) loved this one of Karsyn - so sweet!
Here are the posed "beach pictures" - notice the difference between these and the "real beach pictures" - no sand in the mouth!