We have been working more on Kegan eating and he still is not really to interested in being fed with a spoon. You show him a bottle and he will reach out and take it - you put a spoon to his mouth and he may open it the first few times (which there has to be LOTS of cheering and clapping and mommy acting silly, to get him to not gag on these bites) but - pretty soon, I just get lips that are shut tight. Literally - his mouth will be open and he will be smiling but as soon as the spoon gets close to his lips they close tight. He even spit some back at me the other night! We will be trying a new vegetable this week, so hopefully he will like peas better than green beans. (I know - gross Gail, why start him with those??? Well, if I start him on sweet stuff then I CERTAINLY will never get the veggies down him.) After this week of peas, we will go to a sweeter veggie - like carrots or squash - both I have heard are baby favorites! We shall see - Kegan seems a bit picky...haha!
After a green bean dinner - off to take a bath and some adorable towel pictures. Kegan started sitting for at least a few seconds on Wednesday night, so we were clicking away with the camera trying to catch some shots. He did pretty good on his changing table, because the sides helped to give him some extra support. We are still working on sitting, but he is getting closer to sitting by himself for more than a few seconds. Way to go KEGAN!!
This next picture was taken the same night. Matthew and I were just having fun playing with Kegan and he was in a great mood. I LOVE his smile in this picture!
Kegan LOVES bath time now days. He sits in there and will play with toys (and wash clothes) and kick and kick and just laugh and grin. It is so much fun to watch him! This is a picture of him chewing on his washcloth. I like his face, it is saying, "Opps...I was caught!"
These next 2 pictures are to show you how much he has grown. The first picture was taken some time when he was around 2-3 months old. The second picture is from last night (Friday, teh 4th) He used to be able to stretch his legs out and still not reach from top to bottom. Now his head is at the top and his legs have to bend to fit in the sling. Notice, however, his width has not changed much. He definitely has his daddy's metabolism.
This morning while I was getting ready I put Kegan in his swing and he started grabbing at the fish hanging down, that make the music start. He would pull on one and just start laughing. Then he would let them go, hit them and squeal with glee! Then he started grabbing on to both of them, pull one...then the other.... It is so fun to see him discover new parts of his toys and enjoy them all over again, like they were brand new. Look at the intensity in his face as he is studying the fish hanging down. (Already trying to catch and analyze fish like his Grandpa!)
Finally, these pictures were taken tonight after we got back from a wild game tasting thing with the Christian Sportsman Fellowship group from our church. (It was fun - interesting food - but fun. Kegan just stuck to his regular - soy formula with a little rice - yummy!) Kegan was enjoying wearing his daddy's hats! Then, once we got started, we decided we needed to take more with some different hats. Kegan just laughed and smiled through it all. Enjoy - he is a cutie in these!!!
To cute!! I do love the hat pictures. What a little ham! He is getting so big. I can't wait to get my hands on him in a couple of weeks (and get some of that sugar!)
Love ya Kegan!! Grams
What a total cutie! Try the sweet potatoes - those are his cousin's favorite!
I can't wait to see Kegan again - he is growing up so fast!
Love you all - Wendy
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