hmm....I don't know if I would say life is calming down or ANYWHERE back to "normal:...but who knows when that will happen...perhaps never...haha....but I am feeling good and alert so I decided to take the time to record for Ty the story of his birth and share some pictures from his first few days on earth.
Monday - as stated in earlier post - the doctor told me I would be going in Tuesday morning to be induced because there was no way Ty was waiting much longer. What a doctor is all I have to say. Monday evening around 6 I started feeling slight contractions - not too consistent and still pretty far apart...well as the evening progressed, so did my contractions - closer in time and more intense! I tried to stay calm, get some more work done around the house, and tell myself I was going in at 5 so not to worry. Well, no sleep was to be had that night and by 3:30 am the contraction were growing increasingly close and uncomfortable, and since contractions with
Kegan had intensified quickly I was not really wanting to wait, so I woke up Matthew, we got ready and headed to the hospital. It is about a 30 minute drive, so we got there at about 4:30...contractions still about 7-8 minutes apart and I was still pleasant :). Got checked in, papers (lots of papers) signed, and we were in the room by 5 - going over more information with the nurse, getting hooked up to monitors, and so on...contractions getting more intense and getting a little closer together. Matthew and I sat there, talked, watched some news and breathed through the contractions. Around 6:30 the nurse came in, said things were looking good and progressing, they would start getting stuff together for the epidural, and start me on some
patosin to keep things moving along...well
patosin going, water broke by the doctor, and dilated to a 5, sometime between 6:45 and 7:00....things REALLY started progressing...really fast...Matthew went to go check on the epidural...they were waiting on a nurse to get there...a minute or so later (eternity in my head) I told Matthew he needed to go get the doctor. Doctor came in, checked me out and said, "yep, you are at a 10" and said to push on the next contraction (what, no epidural...nothing???...oh Lord, please help me get through this). Nurses, people, stuff everywhere as they were quickly prepping everything for Ty to come. Well, minus the details, 3 contractions worth of pushes later at 7:23, Ty was fully in the world!
Ohhhh...what a JOY to see that precious baby for the first time, hear that little cry, and hold him. The pain is not fun while it is happening, and I totally recommend the epidural, but as soon as you see, hear, and hold that baby you forget about the pain...and just sheer joy flows over you! :) Summed up...it was all very fast a bit uncomfortable, but JOYOUS!!!! :) Welcome Ty! We love you and look forward to see what the Lord holds in the future for you life!
Pictures Pictures Pictures
At the hospital...checked in and waiting around...

...but not for long! Hello handsome! Mommy sees Ty for the first time :)

Cold Cold Cold people...I am cold!

Still cold!...look at that sad face
Ohhh...under the warm lamps...

To show how small he is...daddy's hand on his entire torso!

Daddy and Ty...I promise that is Ty under all that stuff

Eyes wide open...wide for a few hours old baby...
Story: The nurse heard us talking about Matthew going to pick up
Kegan from Mother's Day out and bringing him back to meet his baby brother and she had some wonderful
advise for us, which I am going to pass on to anyone out there who may soon have to introduce a sibling to a new baby...or one day down the road will need to. She told us to have the baby wrapped up and just laying in the bassinet when
Kegan came in - nobody holding the baby to show
Kegan (especially not mommy) - and then let
Kegan discover the baby on his own. That way he feels like he has discovered the baby and has more ownership in it, then just being shown/told, here is your baby brother, like him. (Think of when you want a child to try food - they do better if they WANT to try it while seeing it on the plate, then if they are shown it and told they need to try it).
Sooo...we did it, and it went really well!
Kegan coming in from school and seeing mommy - what a GREAT hug!!!

Spending time in daddy's lap...

After noticing Ty's bed...a few times, he finally decided to go and see what was in there. He stood on his tip-toes and peered in...then not being tall enough tried to climb the cart...woah...Matthew went and picked him up at that time.
Kegan looked in...stared for a bit and when we asked who that was he
immediately said, "Baby Ty", looked some more and asked, "kiss baby Ty?"...so he kissed his baby brother to welcome him into the world. Then he was done...and ready to go play some more...happy as could be :)

Holding Ty a little later
Trying to get a picture where everyone is looking the same way...
nice smile Matthew while
Kegan looks at Ty

Nice smile
Kegan while Matthew looks at Ty

Well...let us just all look at Ty

Taking a closer look (
Kegan loves to point out Ty's nose and mouth and ears, etc...)

His favorite part I think..."flying" on the bed...I know know, but hey, it did keep him entertained for a while

24 hours old...

Day 2 of life, close up...

Getting ready to go home (this is a
preemie outfit and still a little large in areas)

Snuggled with Mommy

Snuggled with Daddy

Swallowed...I mean snuggled in his car seat
Kegan happy to see his baby brother home from the hospital

Matthew had wanted to get
Kegan something special from us, with things changing so much in life for him. He always wants to play with this BIG tractor t) that sits in his room as decoration...so Matthew got
Kegan a BIG tractor he could play with - he was more excited than what this face shows (well he was
EXTREMELY excited) but this look made me laugh! :)

For those of you who know my father this will come as no surprise. He
brought down his boat to go fishing some while my parents were down for the week helping me out with things around the house as we all were adjusting to a little one in the house. He went fishing both Thursday and Friday and did great both days...
sooo now I know what he will be doing every time he comes to visit.
Kegan likes it though, he loves getting up in Papa's boat!

Tiny baby on the bouncer, wide awake (which does not happen to many minutes
during the day)

Sweet story:
Kegan went and got his special
blankie and special puppy and Micky toy and brought them to Ty, laid the
blankie on him and the toys next to him and said "share"....oh a mother's heart melts!!!! Then he gave him kisses (he loves giving Ty kisses)

Baby burrito napping in his crib
Hmm...I don't have a bucket...I will just use my shoes to dump sand in to

Mommy and
Kegan all smiles

My THREE men

More sweet smooches

Eyes open and looking around

I love this one - he is looking straight at me (and the camera)

He was saying "
yee haw" like he was riding a horse

Watching Papa
fillet some fish...

If you look close you can see the
silly look he has on his face...like he is working really hard to get that up the ramp!

Friday morning:
Grams cooked all day long - getting meals ready for us to leave in the freezer. Kegan helped!

This is what happens to water in the sink when no one is paying attention - Kegan loved it

Brother time

Helping Papa clean out the boat

He loved looking at the fish...did NOT want to touch them...

The net was fun, though...and eating them was even better (seriously he ate like 3/4 to 1 entire grilled filet himself)

Posing with Pap and the fish...

Well, more pictures are soon to follow from Ty's first doctor's visit on Saturday (he is healthy and "a keeper" as the doctor said) and Ty's and Kegan's visit from Grandma, Pappa, and Aunt Betsy...and some more pictures that this picture happy and mom and Grams can't seem to take enough of!
Things have been going really good since coming home, and we are adjusting to life with a new born, again (trying to adjust to small amounts of sleep). Kegan is doing GREAT and seems to really love his brother and likes to "help" :)! (and knock on wood, shows no signs of regressing in potty training...a fear I had....and hopefully thatit will continue to move forwards :).)