Everywhere, but blogging! HA! Yes, problems with picture posting discouraged me from blogging, and on top of that, we have been SUPER busy! Quick updates to bring us all to speed:
1. Has become very inquizitive about Jesus and God and showing lots of growth in his child-like understanding. Nothing is sweeter to the ears of a parent than hearing their child sing about Jesus, pray, say scipture, or just finally seem to grasp small bits of what you have been praying about and teaching them!
* A friend of mine gave me the idea to start doing a memory verse with him (he is not too young she said, which makes sense because he memorizes books, songs, movies, etc...) Anyways, we started with "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your sould, with all your mind and with all your strength." We used some motions to help. We have worked on it for 2 weeks while driving in the car in the mornings and he is doing pretty good - just needing some help every once in a while getting started.
* Today it was cloudy and him and I were talking about the clouds as I loaded him in the car, and I said, "I sure wish God would send some rain out of those cloouds." I got in the car, heard Kegan say a quick prayer to the Lord about bringing rain, then he said to me, "Mom, God said he is going to send the rain." Ok Kegan, then God will do it. Well, low and behold, not 2 miles down the road, rain starts hitting our windsheild. Kegan promptly says, "Mom it is raining!", then looks up to the sky and says "Thank you God!". Oh, the faith of a child and the awesomeness of our God - I just know he heard Kegan's little prayer and being hte faithful God He is, answered it, just to grow Kegan's faith that much more - so amazing!!!!!!!!!
2. He still is loving to sing and often burst forth in song...well...everywhere. I love it!
3. He is becoming more and more interesed in reading and writing and math and so on, so Matthew and I thought and prayed about it and we enrolled him in a 5 day a week, 1/2 day, pre-pre-K program. It is at a church, so he still will be getting the Bible stories and songs like he does at Mother's Day Out, but he will be going more often and they will be using a strecture curriculum in teaching. I think his mind is ready to just absorb so much!
4. He continues to amaze me with things he knows and understand, things he hears and picks up on, and how he is changing to be so idependent - for the good and bad... ;)
Where to begin with this darling child. He is really starting to exert himself and let you know his opinions and BOY does he have them!!!!
1. He is cruising on furniture like a champ, but still has NO interest in walking or standing on his on. You try to stand him infront of you with nothing to hold on to and he will colapse his legs and start crying...whaling! Sooo...in the meantime we cruise, crawl and...
2. He loves to get on this riding bulldozer with have and go ALL over the house - he can keep up with Kegan better and he is at a higher level to get into things... Oh he squeels with excitement on that thing though!
3. He is communicating - not so much with words (although you can tell he is trying and he will give you an entire speach like he knows what he is saying, facial expressions and all) but he uses some taught signs and some he has just made up on his own. He is also a huge fan of pointing for what he wants...usually it is whatever big brother is doing or in to.
4. Does NOT like being laid down for a diaper change or change of anything - toss and turn and flip and whine...a work-out for me! haha
5. LOVES LOVES LOVES tractors. He pushes tractors around the house, he plays with them in the car, he will sit on the tractor bike we have forever outside...just sitting there, happy as can be...and so on. He just loves them. Whenever we go out to the farm, as soon as he sees us getting close to the barn he starts going "oo....ooo...ooo", squeeling, and bouncing in his chair. We get out and he points at the tractor and says please or does a fuss, wanting a ride. He sits up in that tractor so happily...moving or not moving...he just loves it!!! A thrill to his father's heart!
6. Many teeth have pooped in, including some molars and other back teeth. He is becoming an efficiant eater...although a bit more picky than he used to be.
* He really likes ketchup - if I want him to try something, I can dip it in katchup and he will atleast let me put it in his mouth so he can lick the katchup off.
* Loves hamburgers. If I am eating one, he will point to it and use his "please" or "more" motion. For a child who will not eat much meat for me otherwise, he chows down on burgers.
* Child has a HUGE sweet tooth. I don't know how he knows...but he always knows if what he sees infront of him is a sweet treat...and he always points and uses his please or more - and we wonder how he keeps those sweet cheeks!!!
7. Enjoys flipping through books.
8. We have been working on simple puzzles and he finally somewhat is getting the crast of the piece mathing up with the matching picture...still a work in progress, but he enjoys them
9. He is much more into everything than Kegan was.
10. Plays rough...ohhh....
11. Very independent and determined. He will not let something just pass...if he wants it...he will let you know and if he does not get it...he REALLY lets you know. Needless to say, we have butted heads many times and he is learning he does not always get his way, much to his disappointment. I always remind myself, this trait may give me many gray hairs, but it will serve him very well in the future (he will not be talking into things) and he will lead because he does not want to follow. Now, to teach him to use these constructively...
12. In the same breath - he is a very LOVING child who always wants to give hugs and kisses (ie: he opens his mouth really wide and puts his lips to your face) - a littel slobbery, but so sweet!
13. Enjoys going very high and fast on the swing
14. Can follow short directions
* In the morning I can say, put your lovey in your bed and he will drop it in
* Ty, pick up your cup of milk
* Give mommy the .... (of course this one is met with the will, sometimes, but he can do it)
15. Attempts to put socks and shoes on - he knows where they go
16. Waves and says "bye bye"...and every once in a while will blow a kiss..
17. said "a dah" - for all done, and signed it (has done this a few times when done with something)
18. Instead of saying "uh oh" when he drops something he says "uh uh" - he makes me laugh
19. Loves to share his drink, food, even toys with Kegan, Matthew, me, others - very sharing...so far...
20. He will brush his hair when handed a hair brush
21. Opens his mouth when he sees me with his toothbrush
22. If you hand him a phone, he will put it to his ear and say "ello"
23. I know he is ready to get out of bed when I come in the room and the lovely is on the floor or being held out over the bed in a "I surrender" type way
24. Rocks, sways and bounces when he hears music - loves music
25. ...for all the things I have forgotten...
It has been a while and he has grown and changed by leaps and bounds in looks and abilities...so hopefully I will be able to figure out this picture loading problem and get some great pictures up of the boys!
Why have we been busy:
We did take a wonderful week long trip up to Plano in March...but our day to day stuff is what is really keeping us moving.
1. I have started up a ministry at our church called SHAPE. It is a workout class I do outdoors for the young ladies in our church. The pastor, in a round about way, approached me about doing this last fall, and since them, I have been certified as a fitness instructor and through much prayer and support from those around me, was able to start SHAPE. I take the boys with me, and Ty rides in the stroller while Kegan usually runs along and plays with his friends there. I am loving it and the feedback from the ladies seems very positive and like they are really enjoying it. I pray the Lord continues to use it in a way to let these ladies get to know eachother and be a support in this craziness called motherhood, as well as, SHAPE being an outreach to other ladies in the area to meet new moms and hopefully see the love of Jesus shine through us.
2. Bible study and playgroup
3. Kegan going to MDO
4. I agreed, again after much prayer, to be the VBS director at our church this year...and I am loving it!!! It is keeping me super busy (and probably the main reason the blog has gone downhill on any post, because my free time is spent working on VBS stuff)...but I have loved it and can't wait to see what the Lord does in the life of the kids who will be coming!!! SO excited!!!!!
5. Matthew has done his plantting and therefore is out at the farm later, so the boys and I have been traveling out there a few or more times a week to see him.
6. We planted a little garden in our backyard (so excited about this) and a bigger one at the farm...and we redid lots of our flowerbeds because the unusually cold winter did some of our plants in. The boys have loved it because it has meant lots of outside play time!
7. Just life...but oh, it is wonderful. I have a great family - a WONDERFUL husband and 2 fantastic kids...
The Lord is good and He juse keeps on taking care of us and amazing us with His provisions, grace, and just the awesome character of who HE is.
Hopefully I will be a little better about staying updated...and even more hopefull - that I can get pictures uploaded...althought I have to admit I will probably not back track...maybe a few super cute ones...but otherwise that would be a crazy long post!
much love - glad to be back blogging a bit! :)
5 years ago